

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Observation-Toxic stress

Monday  September 21st
Time: 5:45pm
A mother  with a child in a stroller and a three year old

This mother was walking with  ahead on the boy and she was going so fast he was not able to keep up with her. She kept turning back her head and would yell "you need to walk up ". I stood ther for a few minutes observing.

This kind of behavior is very unhealthy for this young child . Children were not asked to be born and so when we have a child we should cherish that life by letting them know that all lives matter. The child is learning that there is a cruel world and that is the treatment that he should expect and that is how he will come to treat people also. The brain does not forget any experience therefore you should be intentional and give positive experiences to young children.

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