

Friday, May 23, 2014


 Related to how easily the child adapts to transitions and changes, like switching to a new activity. Does the child have difficulty with changes in routines, or with transitions from one activity to another? Does the child take a long time to become comfortable to new situations? A slow-to-adapt child is less likely to rush into dangerous situations, and may be less influenced by peer pressure.

As I mention before the child's  environment and culture play a role in shaping your infant/toddler's temperament. You need to help your infant/toddler to handle transitions and changes . Have a variant of tools that will give your infant/toddler different experiences and skills. also provide experiences that will allow your infant/toddler to multi-task. For example playing music (age appropriate) while she is playing or eating. Have different items available that allow those experiences. Infants/toddlers are wired to learn however the experiences that you provide will determine how and what they will learn.

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