

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Language development- The First 2000 Days

Yesterday I was in Washington DC  and I was having lunch in a deli . A couple was sitting beside me with a baby that was about 6 months old. They were sitting at the counter on high chairs and the baby is in her stroller. I looked over and the baby was playing with her bottle, the parents are busy talking with each other it is now five minutes later  and the mother reaches over and takes the bottle away.

No  verbal communication was done. When the mother noticed that the  baby is playing with the bottle she should have asked ;are you finish drinking your milk?  and when she takes the bottle she should have said wow Sharon you are a big girl did a good job finishing  your milk .

In order for babies to develop their language skills they need to hear language. It is a few minutes and the male picks up the baby and puts her to sit on his lap but there is not verbal communication between him and the baby . The two adults begin talking among them selves the baby is looking around.

This was a great opportunity to speak with the baby and point out different  things to the baby in the deli. Language does not begin at two years old the development of the language section of the brain is always developing.

The baby had no toys to interact with on her stroller or the car seat. Brain stimulation is very important.

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