

Saturday, June 15, 2013


 Weaning your baby from her pacifier can be a challenge . You will need to begin this process once your baby gets to be fourteen months old. You should begin gradual  first only give it to her if she is crying and needs it to sooth her self during the day. She  will also need it when she goes to sleep. Once she  wakes up and you feed her you should put the pacifier away. Out of sight our of mind .After a week of once she falls a sleep remove the pacifier from her mouth. Keep it near by because she may wake up in the night looking for it. This may go on for three weeks. The four week  when she is awake you feed her put the pacifier away and do not give her during the day. For bed time after you feed her dinner or a cup of milk   read her a story, then put on her bed time music and try rocking her to bed without the pacifier. She may be a little restless wanting her pacifier. Just ignore her gestures and continue rocking her. If it gets really bad give her the pacifier and one she falls asleep remove it. When she gets up in the night looking for it do not give it to her. Now it is five weeks and you  will need to sever the relationship with your baby and her pacifier.
You want to have a conversation with her. It many go like this: Cherry you are a big girl now and you do not need the pacifier any more . You will be getting ready  for talking and we do not need a pacifier anymore. Let us say good by to the pacifier and both of you should close the relationship together. This will be a new stage of development for your baby. This will take a few weeks for you baby to adjust but it will be best for her.

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