

Monday, June 17, 2013

Potty training - revisited

Do you remember that way back in February we introduced the potty to Ajani. He was fourteen months at the time. He has been using it on and off we would put him on it each day when he wakes up some times he peed and other times he did not. However, we would still put him on the potty every morning when he wakes up some times he sits on it for two minutes other time he does not want to sit . Whenever he peed in the potty we do a big celebration yeaa you did it and we clap. You must keep in mind that his brain is being developed and all the connections have to be made in his brains before the physical action can be successful, you need to be patience, persistence and repetition .He  has been sleeping all night without wetting himself.
For the past three weeks he has been peeing in the potting each morning . Do you see how long it takes his brains to connect all  areas that is necessary to created the action. That is why you need to introduce infants/toddlers to developmental stages  early this way they will have enough time to  master the skill that you want them to without pressure and frustration.
Every morning when he wakes up his mom says good morning Ajani, lets go potty. He walks towards the bathroom and sits on his potty. When he pees he yells yeaaa and claps  then he brushes his teeth . This is called a routine , when you do the same thing  everyday at the same time.
learning to control your body function is a part of a child's social emotional development.

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