

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

What's in a word...

On Monday I went to visit a friend who has not seen Ajani in a few months. There were several staff members around. One said, (in Ajani's presence) I hope you are bad and playing in mud.

I said, "playing in mud, sand, water etc." is being curious not bad.

Both I and my mom do not support the use of the word "bad". It is very negative and has effects on a subconscious level. It is better you say and encourage your friends a relatives to say, "being busy"; "being curious" etc. positive and encouraging words.

I sometimes wonder where this phrase came from and the toddler isn't being bad. Perhaps lack of knowledge of what toddlers are typically doing at certain stages. Which reminds me take a look at the documentary Babies and it will give a great overview of the typically stages all babies go through regardless of which country they are in.

The next time someone starts to formulate the sentence, "she is being bad" stop them and find positive words because a great deal is in  a Word.

Be well 

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