

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Social /Emotional Development-Appreaciating Diversity

Exposing your infant/toddler to diversity is very important . You should have infant/toddler books that have children from different cultures. You should take your infant/toddler to cultural events . You can just get on the bus and the train and  get off at a stop that you usually do not go to and just walk around.
Experience is what builds  brain  and one the brain is exposed to an experience it does not forget it.

You should  also play different types of music for your infant/toddler .You should  also discuss  the type of music . For example Johnny this music is called jazz.Your infant/toddler will be learning vocabulary  and this is also language development . Music teaches listening skills  and following directions. These skills are needed for school and must be taught early, when the brain is being wired.

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