

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Social Emotional Development - Cooperation 0-3

It is very important for your toddler to learn how to cooperate  with peers and adults. Many adults say " John don't listen". He is hearing and listening to what you are saying ,however  she is not cooperating  with your request.  At age two toddlers want to assert them selves plus they are not able to understand the concept of "No or don't do that ". They are discovering the world and wants to get into everything. You must be patient but firm and begin to set limits. "you may  say  John please don't jump off the couch ". Since he has been doing it he will begin to wonder why now I cant do it.  There are different stages to development and the stage for him to jump off the couch  is going. He proved that he is able to and had enough time to get over the fear of falling.
This is going to take a while before your infant adhere to your request by cooperating but  you must be consistent and your toddler will begin to get the message. Remember once she gets the  word with the action you will not need to teach that skill again. Your toddler's brains is being wired so it takes a while for her to make the connections.

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