

Monday, May 27, 2013

Pacifier- Language Development

yes it is your baby's nightmare . Well it does not need to be stressful. I think that you should begin at 12 months . Many babies love to sleep with their pacifier. Once the baby is awake and you feed her you should put the pacifier away. Explain to her that she will have it later but she is a big girl and does not need it now. This will take a few weeks for the baby to get adjusted to not using it during the day. Using a pacifier during the day hinders language development. You baby should be babbling pointing and trying to form words if she has a pacifier in her mouth she will not have the opportunity to go through her stage of language  development. The brain develops from the bottom up and just like language you need to make sounds before you are able to form words. This is one of the major referrals speech therapy. Your child could be at another stage of development instead of using all that time for speech. It is very difficult to revert to a stage.
 You should not speak with your baby in "baby talk". You are teaching your baby language so you must use whole language when communicating with your baby. If your baby fusses at night you should give her the pacifier do not stress your baby.

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