

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Things to look for 18 to 36 months

Your baby is developing nicely. Here are a few things to keep in mind between 18 to 36 months old.

1. Establishes an attachment or bond with a consistent adult other than a primary caregiver.
Ok she sees her uncle, cousin or your closest friend and has a bond with that person.

2. Demonstrates feeling safe with significant adults by seeking them when uncomfortable or when sick, tired, or in a dangerous situation.
Sometimes she doesn't want to come to you but seeks comfort with someone else she has bonded with, it's ok.

3. Imitates adult activities (i.e. pretends to cook, "reads" next to an adult who is reading).
That is normal and a form of creativity. Encourage it don't say, "stop that". Another level of brain development.

4. Initiates interactions and play with adults.
 An example of socialization; when your toddler begins school they will have to interact with other adults within the classroom.

5. Responds to adults' verbal greetings.
When you see her and say hi, she says hi also and you may just smile as they always warm your heart.

6. Communicates with adults about recent activities.
She tells you what she did today.

7. Labels feelings.
She tells you when she is happy.

8. Shows awareness of others' feelings.
She has empathy; a very important characteristic when she gets older--build on that.

9. May show extreme discomfort with separation or new situations when familiar caregiver is not present--by protesting loudly, crying, or by withdrawing completely by refusing to participate.
Consistency is so critical, by switching caregivers or other aspects of their life that is familiar (part of their routine) will cause some level of discomfort. It is important to introduce something new gradually. When you take her to school for the first time she will not stay the entire day, the Director will have her stay in the classroom for a few hours day 1; a few more hours day 2 and the full day; day 3 (depending on how she is adjusting to the new environment).

For those of you who are not up to 18 months please keep these tips in mind.

36 to 60 months old tips are coming.

Be well *

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