The ability to use and understand language is very important . In order to learn how to ready your infant/toddler must be able to understand language.
Yesterday I was driving and came to a bridge that was open(a draw bridge). Ajani was in the care and his mother said, wow that is cool and her replied "No that not cool it is strange". I was a bit surprised however, it shows that he understands language .
Speaking with your young children helps them to develop language skills.

Sharing information and advice on the most critical time... The first 2000 Days. What are some things you can look out for and some activities you can do with infants/toddlers to get them through the various developmental milestones before they get to school. Also I will share information for the caregivers from age appropriate books to setting up classrooms.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Monday, June 29, 2015
Transition -to Summer camp
We have been speaking to him about going to summer camp and leaving his baby sitter . He has been going there since he was 10months old , it is a transition for her also. We have been speaking to her also.He has had a chance to develop a relationship with his care giver . It is now time for him to be in a new space. We have been preparing him also in a few ways:
Have him walk up/down steps
Learn to ask for help when he is frustrated
Communicate his thoughts
Knows how to wash his hands
Knows how to eat with utencils
Knows how to dress himself
Knows how to play alone/with other children
Appreciates diversity
Knows how to hold hand when walking
Being able to cooperate somewhat
Knows how to listen/follow directions
Is able to focus for for a period of time his age
Can mark wihr crrayons
Is able to kick/catch a ball
These are just a few of the important skills your child needs to have before they enter pre-school.
It is very important that you explain what will happen next to avoid conflicts.
He will be starting summer camp today.
Have him walk up/down steps
Learn to ask for help when he is frustrated
Communicate his thoughts
Knows how to wash his hands
Knows how to eat with utencils
Knows how to dress himself
Knows how to play alone/with other children
Appreciates diversity
Knows how to hold hand when walking
Being able to cooperate somewhat
Knows how to listen/follow directions
Is able to focus for for a period of time his age
Can mark wihr crrayons
Is able to kick/catch a ball
These are just a few of the important skills your child needs to have before they enter pre-school.
It is very important that you explain what will happen next to avoid conflicts.
He will be starting summer camp today.
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Puzzles and the brain
You should introduce your baby to a 3 piece puzzle at 10 months .The puzzle should have large knobs this allows the baby's small hands to be able to hold the pieces. It will take the baby a few months just to be able to put one piece of the part into the hole. The puzzle helps to develop the following muscles: fingers,wrist ,and eyes. The puzzle also helps the infant to develop problem solving skills ,math skills and the idea of being persistent . The puzzle should be on the floor at fist your baby will become frustrated. You will need to ask your baby if she needs help and you can also explain that she can give the puzzle a break and do something else. Here you are teaching your baby self-regulation and the idea of going back to finish a task . You are also teaching her that over time you can get a skill. The first time that your baby is able to put a piece of the puzzle in you must make a big deal celebrate. It may take 6months before your baby will be able to complete this puzzle.Over time she will feel competent,build self-esteem etc. The next puzzle should the with big knobs with the shapes.
Friday, June 26, 2015
Observation Thursday June 25th
3years and 9 months
African America boy
Time 8:05
I am sitting at the table and I heard a small voice said"I need my tooth brush". What are you going to do his mom asked ? I am going to brush my teeth. He rushed to the bathroom as if he was in a hurry to pee. A few minutes later his mother said "come look at this and bring the camera". I ended my worked that I was focused on and went to look.
I stood in the door way quietly . He went and took his tooth brush from the rack,took his tooth paste and put a little on the brush. He turn on the water and place the brush with the tooth paste under the running water."Ok you are going to wash off the toothpaste!" No! I want to make it bigger !. After reasoning with him he turned off the water and began brushing his teeth.
This is a major transition because just last week it was a big fight when it comes time to brush his teeth. He work up and decided that he was reading to make this transition.We celebrated and he had a big smile on his face. This make him feel competent ,builds self-esteem among other skills that are needed for school and like.
3years and 9 months
African America boy
Time 8:05
I am sitting at the table and I heard a small voice said"I need my tooth brush". What are you going to do his mom asked ? I am going to brush my teeth. He rushed to the bathroom as if he was in a hurry to pee. A few minutes later his mother said "come look at this and bring the camera". I ended my worked that I was focused on and went to look.
I stood in the door way quietly . He went and took his tooth brush from the rack,took his tooth paste and put a little on the brush. He turn on the water and place the brush with the tooth paste under the running water."Ok you are going to wash off the toothpaste!" No! I want to make it bigger !. After reasoning with him he turned off the water and began brushing his teeth.
This is a major transition because just last week it was a big fight when it comes time to brush his teeth. He work up and decided that he was reading to make this transition.We celebrated and he had a big smile on his face. This make him feel competent ,builds self-esteem among other skills that are needed for school and like.
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Experience -in the key to brain development
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
You may be wondering what art has to do with brain development ? Art is a wonderful activity for young children it helps them to focus,make decisions and it is also science. It gives you a chance to block out the real world for the time and just focus. We did this project at a family nigh at a school.
You should also do these projects at home.
You should also do these projects at home.
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
African American
Age 3.8 yrears
He is getting better at cooperating . Since last week when he is asked to clean up he willing does it . A few months ago he did not have that skill. He is getting ready for pre-k and that is a very important skill that he will need in order to be successful in his class.This may seam simple to you but it is not because when children do not understand how to cooperate in a classroom setting it creates a challenge. It also affects your child's self-esteem and their social/emotional development.
This takes a while for your toddler to get to but you must have patience .
African American
Age 3.8 yrears
He is getting better at cooperating . Since last week when he is asked to clean up he willing does it . A few months ago he did not have that skill. He is getting ready for pre-k and that is a very important skill that he will need in order to be successful in his class.This may seam simple to you but it is not because when children do not understand how to cooperate in a classroom setting it creates a challenge. It also affects your child's self-esteem and their social/emotional development.
This takes a while for your toddler to get to but you must have patience .
Monday, June 22, 2015
Yesterday I was at a space and a couple came with a three year old and an infant about 9 months old. The mother placed the child in a high chair and during the procedure she did not communicate with the infant once. While the three year old sat staring in space. They were joined by two adults . They all began talking and the children just sat there.
Just a reminder that you must talk with your baby:
When you are out you must take items that will keep your child engaged.
Just a reminder that you must talk with your baby:
- That is the way they learn vocabulary that will help them to speak in sentences
- That is how they learn expressive language
- That is how they learn receptive language
- This helps with social skills
- This helps with school language
- This is brain development
- This helps with reading
- Develop memory skills
- Empathy
When you are out you must take items that will keep your child engaged.
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Setting limits Part I-social emotional skills
Part one -Rules
Setting limits are very important for young children. You allowed her to explore from birth until three years old now you must begin setting limits.You should fist begin by explaining why some behaviors are not acceptable. I know when he was two you would allow him to jump from the table (or other places you made the area safe, chair, small table etc.) and that was ok because he was learning to take risk .
At three he is now starting to learn what behaviors are socially acceptable in different spaces,we call these rules. These behaviors must be taught at home. You may have a simple rule that says there is no eating on the couch we all must eat at the table because the table is easier to clean when it gets dirty.
Over time your toddler will understand and participate in this rule starting at home.You must be consistent and give praise when your child participates (cooperates) in the rule. Eventually he will be able to explain the rule to you and others if you try to break the rule.
When this become a part of your toddler's vocabulary he will participate without a reminder.
Rules must be age appropriate . This helps your child when they get to school in a few ways :
Setting limits are very important for young children. You allowed her to explore from birth until three years old now you must begin setting limits.You should fist begin by explaining why some behaviors are not acceptable. I know when he was two you would allow him to jump from the table (or other places you made the area safe, chair, small table etc.) and that was ok because he was learning to take risk .
At three he is now starting to learn what behaviors are socially acceptable in different spaces,we call these rules. These behaviors must be taught at home. You may have a simple rule that says there is no eating on the couch we all must eat at the table because the table is easier to clean when it gets dirty.
Over time your toddler will understand and participate in this rule starting at home.You must be consistent and give praise when your child participates (cooperates) in the rule. Eventually he will be able to explain the rule to you and others if you try to break the rule.
When this become a part of your toddler's vocabulary he will participate without a reminder.
Rules must be age appropriate . This helps your child when they get to school in a few ways :
- They will be familiar with the vocabulary
- They will understand that there are limits and boundaries
- This will help your child to cooperate with other adults/children
Friday, June 19, 2015
Experience builds a brain
It is critical that you give young children positive experiences . You should encourage them to be brave .3 years and 8months.
Thursday, June 18, 2015
The love for reading
If your baby is going to love books they must be a part of his every day experiences. You should read to your baby in different spaces. You should have age appropriate books for your baby this allows him to interact with the books and you do not have to worry about him tearing them.He should see a book everywhere.You should have a variety of books also. Reading is very liberating and it allows young children to visit different places with you.
Take a look at these stats
Take a look at these stats
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Family time..teachable moment
It doesn't take a special time in the day to teach and engage with your infant or toddler. Bedtime is quiet time and also a time to read a short story.
Building language, vocabulary, receptive language, passive listening and active listening skills. Yes, I know all of those things are being developed just by reading 1 story.
Stayed tuned...these words will be defined, we don't want to give you too much to read at once, we understand how precious your time is.
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Building language, vocabulary, receptive language, passive listening and active listening skills. Yes, I know all of those things are being developed just by reading 1 story.
Stayed tuned...these words will be defined, we don't want to give you too much to read at once, we understand how precious your time is.
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Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Language development
Your 3 year old will be asking you a lot of questions now. John has been watching Gardigans for a few months and they have been using the same words and last week he began to ask "what is that? " they mentioned the word giant because they made the person bigger. I explained what the word giant means and pointed out the size of the person.
When your young child ask, "what is that?" you must explain to her because the brain retains information that is explained. Speaking and explaining to your child helps them to develop their memory skills also. You are preparing them for reading.
Language development is a part of social/emotional development. Please check out this site and feel free to send us a comment
When your young child ask, "what is that?" you must explain to her because the brain retains information that is explained. Speaking and explaining to your child helps them to develop their memory skills also. You are preparing them for reading.
Language development is a part of social/emotional development. Please check out this site and feel free to send us a comment
Monday, June 15, 2015
Listening skills
The ability to listen is a skill that young children need before they get to pre-k . Children do not learn theses skills on their own you have to teach them.You can begin by playing soothing music for your infant . You should have one just for rest time .You should play age appropriate music : It should be slow ,the words should be clear. This allows the young child to also learn language skills from the music .they soon begin to sing along with the different. Reading to young children also teaches them active listening skills.
As your baby grows she will begin to listen and if she wants to listen to a song and you are talking she will say to you "sheeee" I am listening.
At this point you will know that your toddler knows how to listen.Here are some ideas on this link.
As your baby grows she will begin to listen and if she wants to listen to a song and you are talking she will say to you "sheeee" I am listening.
At this point you will know that your toddler knows how to listen.Here are some ideas on this link.
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Language development - the early years
Communication is a very important skill for your pre-schooler to have,however you must help her to develop that skill. It is critical that you are always speaking with your infant/toddler this allows her to begin to understand language.The Brocas area of the brain is responsible for language development . Your baby is not speaking but the Brocas area records all the information and when it is time to speak your baby will have words to express herself.Whenever you introduce a new concept you must allow your toddler to grasp it ,understand the word and the action : for example you can start on by saying your are finish drinking your bottle give my your bottle. After a few experience your infant will understand the action that goes with the words.
Here are some language skills that you should develop with your infant/toddler
What is your favorite .... part of the story, meal,or a trip
Do you need more?
What are you doing?
Do you need help : this is critical for your child to understand because if helps with self-regulation
What is your name/mother's /father's etc
What is your favorite color
You should speak with your infant/toddler in whole language ,no baby talk.
Here are some language skills that you should develop with your infant/toddler
What is your favorite .... part of the story, meal,or a trip
Do you need more?
What are you doing?
Do you need help : this is critical for your child to understand because if helps with self-regulation
What is your name/mother's /father's etc
What is your favorite color
You should speak with your infant/toddler in whole language ,no baby talk.
Friday, June 12, 2015
Kindergarten success product
Are you going to a baby shower? A 1st or 2nd birthday party? It can be a great gift just because?
Our latest product was created just for that special event and will grow with the infant/toddler until they get to kindergarten.The baskets start at $40 dollars plus shipping.
This is an environmentally friendly basket filled with gently used items to give these items a second home.
Sabree Education Services
Follow us on Twitter @KinderSuccess * Like Us on Facebook Kindergarten-Success * View us on Instagram KindergartenSuccess
"The brain is like a circuit breaker, in order for your infant/toddler to learn you
Our latest product was created just for that special event and will grow with the infant/toddler until they get to kindergarten.The baskets start at $40 dollars plus shipping.
This is an environmentally friendly basket filled with gently used items to give these items a second home.
Sabree Education Services
"The brain is like a circuit breaker, in order for your infant/toddler to learn you
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Social skills
It is very important that you expose your toddler to different spaces and people. The ability to feel comfortable in different spaces is a skill needed for school and life.
Many times I run into college students and they say one of their biggest challenges is being able to feel comfortable in the college environment because it is different than what they grew up around.
Many times I run into college students and they say one of their biggest challenges is being able to feel comfortable in the college environment because it is different than what they grew up around.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Monday, June 8, 2015
Fine motor skills
Child is 3.8 years . This was done on May 31/2015 . If you observe the marks how dark they are it indicates that this child has had several experiences with a variety of pre-writing tools to strengthen his finger and wrist muscles.Giving your infant/toddler different experiences is critical.
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Getting a tour at the Children's zoo
The top children are digging for worms
Next pics they are looking for things
Third pic listening to information. There skills are needed for school and life.Different experiences expand their vocabulary. June 24th ,2015.
Saturday, June 6, 2015
Experiences is what builds a brain
In order for young children to learn how to socialize you must give them different experiences.Learning how to focus does not happen over night it takes many different experiences.
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Kindergarten Success basket
Good morning ,
Are you going to a baby shower or a
birthday party ? Sabree's newest product was created just for those
occasion to help infants/toddler to have kindergarten success. We
are very excited about this new product and hope that you will also .
Just give us a call and we will send your gift. Baskets starts at $40
plus shipping .This is a sample of an unwrapped basket.We believe in solutions.
Sabree Education Services
"The brain is like a circuit breaker, in order for your infant/toddler to learn you
social emotional development- Reading with your toddler
Reading is very important . At 3.7 Your toddler should be requesting stories and you should always have a book with you. Stories play a great role during the early years.Young children learn a number of skills including: listening,focusing,language development,vocabulary and the alphabet . At 3.7 they are observing the words when you are reading. The child should be in your lap this gives them the opportunity to see the words , the pictures touch the pages and interact with the book . You can now begin to ask your toddler " what is your favorite part of the story". Allow time for your toddler to grasp the concept you also have to give him language that will help him understand the question.It is critical that you allow time for your toddler to understand concepts in order to grasp the skill you want him to learn. Have fun reading.
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Critical thinking
May 27th,2015
African America boy
3.7years old
Time 8:30am
Ajana calles NaNa I think that the turtle is hungry . Really I will get the food down for you. "No NaNa wait.he said as if he is in a hurry. The food for the turtle is on is on the top of a small book shelve. He came back with his small foot ball and began to throw it towards the top of the book shelf. :Ajani what are you doing ?I asked. "I want to get it". He continue to throw the ball until he hit down the food. It did not fall from the the book shelf instead it fell on the side on the shelf. talking to himself"I know I'm goig get my chair". He went and got his chair took it to the book shelf climbed on the chair and got the turtle food. "Look NaNa I got it ,with a big smile ".
Brain development it at it's best .
May 27th,2015
African America boy
3.7years old
Time 8:30am
Ajana calles NaNa I think that the turtle is hungry . Really I will get the food down for you. "No NaNa wait.he said as if he is in a hurry. The food for the turtle is on is on the top of a small book shelve. He came back with his small foot ball and began to throw it towards the top of the book shelf. :Ajani what are you doing ?I asked. "I want to get it". He continue to throw the ball until he hit down the food. It did not fall from the the book shelf instead it fell on the side on the shelf. talking to himself"I know I'm goig get my chair". He went and got his chair took it to the book shelf climbed on the chair and got the turtle food. "Look NaNa I got it ,with a big smile ".
Brain development it at it's best .
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Puzzles- You have to give your toddler's brain early experiences
Puzzles allows your infant to begin learning how to focus . The are also learning self-regulation ,problem solving among other things. During the first three years the brain grows the most. (2.4years)
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