

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Taming the beast in your toddler

Your toddler will just walk over and begin hitting you "this is called toddler  reflex". You have to be patient and each time that she does it in a soft voice explain that ,this is not nice to do . You should explain that hitting hurts, you should also pretend that you are crying. Teaching your toddler empathy is a process as the brain is still developing you are responsible for guiding her through the different stages of development. During the infant/toddler years is when your child begins to learn that hitting others hurts and  that behavior is not acceptable. It is very important that these skills are learnt at home. This is called socialization learning these skills  early will prevent many problems later on.
Amygdala –
part of limbic system in the brain; responsible for receiving and integrating emotions and emotional information.
This area of the brain takes time to develop therefore time, patience and understanding in critical in guiding your infant/toddler  towards socially acceptable behaviors .

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