

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Getting your toddler dressed

Your toddler loves to play gatcha and especially when you want to get her dressed and you are running late. She keeps running and laughing and you are chasing her. These this happen however you need to start figuring out ways to get your toddler dressed and how to avoid frustration. Ajani has been doing this . He has done it a few times as I observe his mom struggle to get him ready and her self and make it through the door at a reasonable time. One morning when he got up he wanted to watch  racket ,one of his favorite DVD  . I thought why don't I get him dressed while he is focused on watching his show  which I did. That challenge is solved for now . I have no idea how long  this will work for but for now it lessens the stress for both of them. It is not healthy for you and your toddler to start the day upset.
You need to figure out what works for you and try it. As time goes on you will be able to deal with challenges in a creative way. As your toddler begins to understand more language it will be easy to  verbally  discuss and reason challenges out with her.

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