

Friday, August 16, 2013

Potty training = consistency... it's a MUST

As many of you know potty training is a real challenge. It takes dedication and most of all consistency. You must make it part of her daily routine. Select the same timeframe daily to take her to the potty; I personally work with the morning when my son just wakes up. He wakes up around the same time and he is usually dry (the pull up I put on him before he goes to bed is the same one he wakes up wearing and it is dry).

Some parents/caregivers get frustrated but you must understand you should help her to correlate the peeing sensation with the potty. You should not work with her for 3 days then stop and then start the following week. The brain is wired  a certain way at while her brain is still developing you must provide the tools (road map) that will help her get through the potty training process.

If your child is 3 years old and not potty trained it is going to be a major issue with school. You  have read (hopefully) previous blogs when we speak about our children are behind. A good example of being behind would be having a 3 year that is not potty trained.

There will be a few days when you place her on the potty and she does not pee. It's ok just try again (5-10 minutes later) or another day. The key is consistency.

Good luck

Be well

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