

Sunday, February 24, 2013

The First 2000 days campaign

Brain development is very important during the first three years of life . The foundation for learning  I must be formed from 0-3 years old.Here is a site that you can look at with  latest research.  As we live we learn more and we adjust policies to accomdate the new information. We need to be open minded and stop saying" you can't tell me how to grow my child because this is what my grandmother did". What your grand mother did was appropriate for that time period. We are living in a different period now and our children  require different skills.You are their mirror to the world always keep that in mind.

Here is a website that you can share with your friends that have a new born or a child 0-3 years old.

Brain development is crucial in the first 2000 days. Your infant/toddlers must be given a number of experiences that will develop all parts of the brain at once

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