

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Preparing your baby for school

Your child's ability to sit and complete an activity
You need to purchase developmental toys for your infant/toddler. Toys that your baby can interact with toys that will keep your baby engaged for a while. Also provide interesting activities that will engage your baby for a while for example : give her a pot and two covers one that does not fit. You will observe that she will spend a few minutes problem  solving. Give her a small ball to play with.You can also give her an emply box. You will provide these items based on the age of your baby.These are just a few activities that  will keep your baby sitting and engaged. The ability for your baby to sit and complete an activity is needed when she gets to school however the roots of this skill   begins during the infant/toddler years. Remember that your baby is new to the world and these kills are learned over time with patience and repetition. Durning these critical years your baby's brain is experiencing the most growth and she learns very quickly.
When your baby gets to school and is not able to sit for a while to complete an activity it will be a challenge for her and the teacher.

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