

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Self control

Domain 2 -Social emotional development
Social  emotional development is very important. You will need to teach your baby self control during the infant toddler years. This skill is very important when your baby gets to school. My grand son who is fourteen months is now working on that skill. Because he is not talking as yet he cries for to indicate his need at times he will point to what he needs however,he does not understand the concept of wait. If he needs his bottle he will walk to the kitchen and begin to point and cry.His mother  will say to him"Ajani I know that you want a bottle but just give me a minute and I will make it. She  begins the process while he is observing. Half way through the process he stops crying and keeps observing. Here is your bottle I told you that I was making it". As time goes on with practice and your patience the infant will understand that he does not need to throw a tantrum because his need will be met. Infants/toddlers will learn self -control once you explain to them what is happening and they are able to see the out come.Young children learn through consistency and repetition.They should be able to predict what will be next.If you start this during the infant/ toddler years you will avoid having a four year old throwing a tantrum in the street.

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