

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Patientce - Brain development

Today boarded the train (Tue Dec 10.2013) at 8:15 am ,I was on my way to the Bronx. I began walking up the first set of stairs toward the exit and there is a care giver who was walking in front of me she had a baby strapped  on  her chest ,and a toddler walking and a boy around 9 years old. As she hurried up the stars dragging the toddler while she is crying. When she got to the landing of the first set of stairs she stopped abruptly bend down an slapped the toddler a few time " you need to walk and stop crying I don't have time for the shit". She began the climb up the stairs as the toddler continued to bawl  we are half way up the set of stairs and the boy picked up the little girl and carried her through the turn style. he put her down and she is still crying "what are you crying for now " he asked. He walked ahead  up the remainder of the stairs. The mother held the toddler's hand and pulled her up the rest od the stairs, expecting the toddler to follow her speed. When we  got on the street it was snowing. The little girl is still crying . I needed an umbrella so I stopped as they continued. When I began walking the mother and the little girl was on their way back from dropping the brother at school. The little girl was still crying. This is a example of stress on the young brain and if this toddler experience stress to this magnitude on a regular basis that will not be healthy for her.
The way that she was being treated gives her a message saying ,that is the way  the world will treat her and she will intern treat people that way. Once the brain is exposed to an experience it is imprinted in the memory bank.
It is best to get up early  this will give you enough time to have your children ready without stress as it  unhealthy for everyone.

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