Cooperating is a challenge for many young children .
Last week I observed a parent getting her 5 year old son ready for school . He had a shower the night before .His uniform was ready and ironed . She asked him to brush his teeth and he said "o can I watch a show " . No we need to get ready for school and we do not need to be late . He has no sense of time ." Mommy can you brush my teeth?" what about the magic word ."someone took it he responded with a grin". His mother had a strait face .He went and turned on the music and began dancing ."look at my moves mom". I am trying to make breakfast . Mommy can you please brush my teeth . Ok I will help you . It is now 7:15 am and he needs to eat his breakfast and get dress. He is out of the bathroom . Mommy what is for breakfast .His mom told him and he likes it.
He sits at he table and begin to eat .He gets up to put on the animal show. His mom reminds him that he needs to eat because they need to leave at 8:00am in order to get to school on time. He is now playing with the remote. It is now 7:50 and he his not dressed as yet .
This is an example of what happens every day with many 5 year old. As a caregiver you need a lot of patience children have no sense of time this concept will take a while before they understand . Many times they get to school late and the teacher do not understand how your morning was and they are ready to mark the child late ;some schools make the child announce to the class that they are late .

Sharing information and advice on the most critical time... The first 2000 Days. What are some things you can look out for and some activities you can do with infants/toddlers to get them through the various developmental milestones before they get to school. Also I will share information for the caregivers from age appropriate books to setting up classrooms.
Monday, December 26, 2016
Monday, November 14, 2016
Empathy-Here are some tips that will help
Empathy is a major skill that is needed in order for young children to grow up to become caring adults. I hope that you will share these tips with your friends:
Young children need to learn these skills during the first 2000 days what the brain grows the most.
Young children need to learn these skills during the first 2000 days what the brain grows the most.
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Mental health and how it impacts children-Join us for a conversation-Nov 15th
The NYC AEYC Leadership committee
invites you to
a discussion on different systems and ideology that impact mental health.
Share and exchange ideas to take a more holistic approach for ourselves and the families we work with.Please share with your network.
Evelyn Blanck, Board member, NYS Association of Infant Mental Health
Megan Madison, Facilitator, National Association for the Education of Young Children Diversity & Equity forum
Brett A. Scudder, President/Chairman ~ The Suicide Institute and NYC Suicide Council
Click to here to rsvp
a discussion on different systems and ideology that impact mental health.
Share and exchange ideas to take a more holistic approach for ourselves and the families we work with.Please share with your network.
Evelyn Blanck, Board member, NYS Association of Infant Mental Health
Megan Madison, Facilitator, National Association for the Education of Young Children Diversity & Equity forum
Brett A. Scudder, President/Chairman ~ The Suicide Institute and NYC Suicide Council
Monday, November 7, 2016
Kindergarten- home work should not be the halmark for kindergarten
What is the purpose of kindergarten in the Urban setting ? Recently I shared with a friend about the 26 pages of home work that my grandson brings home each Friday .She responded " well these inner city kids need that because they are not getting it at home". If many of them got to school behind it is obvious that they have not gotten any help " I said . The conversation ended .
I decided to ask the teacher why all this home work she explained that "kindergarten is the new first grade the district wants them to know all these things although half of the children are not able to identify all the alphabets ".
This is not practical because the children who are behind will be frustrated since they do not have the basics and now they are expected to do all this home work .It is obvious that they will not be getting the support at home since they came into kindergarten behind . 26 pages of homework is not the answer. Research clearly shows that homework in these early years is not beneficial:
Please send us an email
I decided to ask the teacher why all this home work she explained that "kindergarten is the new first grade the district wants them to know all these things although half of the children are not able to identify all the alphabets ".
This is not practical because the children who are behind will be frustrated since they do not have the basics and now they are expected to do all this home work .It is obvious that they will not be getting the support at home since they came into kindergarten behind . 26 pages of homework is not the answer. Research clearly shows that homework in these early years is not beneficial:
Please send us an email
Monday, October 31, 2016
Empathy - Positive experiences are critical for development
Last year when Ajani was in pre-k his mother was late to pick him up and he was waiting outside with his teacher another parent and her child decided to wait with him also . This year he is in a public school kindergarten and one day I went to pick him up one day his teacher wanted to speak with me .
I need to tell you what happen today . It was time to go to GYM and one child did not want to go and your grandson did not want either he said that he would stay with the child .He was being defiant .
I tried to explain to her that he was just being being supportive by not wanting to leave his friend alone. The teacher did not understand that concept .
With what is going on with our young people teachers need to spend time encouraging young children to develop life skills and especially empathy this way children will grow up respecting their lives and others.
Adults who are caring for young children must be open to seeking new information and fusing it with they are already doing.
I need to tell you what happen today . It was time to go to GYM and one child did not want to go and your grandson did not want either he said that he would stay with the child .He was being defiant .
I tried to explain to her that he was just being being supportive by not wanting to leave his friend alone. The teacher did not understand that concept .
With what is going on with our young people teachers need to spend time encouraging young children to develop life skills and especially empathy this way children will grow up respecting their lives and others.
Adults who are caring for young children must be open to seeking new information and fusing it with they are already doing.
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Our new address
Hello readers I have not done any entries in a few weeks . I hope that everyone id doing well . We would like to thank you for your support . Please take note of our new site
Please share and continue to support us.
Take note of our new email address
Follow us on Twitter @KinderSuccess * Join Us on Facebook First2000DaysGlobal * View us on Instagram SabreeHarlemParents
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Education Expo 9/29/16 hosted by Mocha Moms Brooklyn
Moms Brooklyn
Annual Education Expo
Thursday, September 29, 2016
6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
185 Court Street, Brooklyn, NY
Tickets $10.00 per family
Participating Schools &
Better Chance *Basis Independent School *The Berkeley Carroll School
*Blue School *The Brearly School
Friends School *Brooklyn Heights Montessori School *Brooklyn Waldorf
School * The Browning School
Buckley School *Calhoun School *Chapin School *Co-op School
*Collegiate School *Covent of the Sacred Heart
School *FasTracKids Williamsburg *Early Steps *Ethical Culture
Fieldston School *Friends Seminary *Inside Schools
School of Brooklyn*Grace Church School *Greene Hill School *The
Hewitt School *The Kew-Forest School
Red School House/Elizabeth Irwin High School *Manhattan Country Day
School * The
Nightingale-Bamford School
Collegiate Institute *Poly Prep Country Day School *RIISE * Saint
Ann’s School
Language & Arts International School *The Spence School *St.
Luke’s School *Stuyvesant Heights Montessori
Nations International School *Village Community School
Panel Discussion: How to
Pick the Right School for Your Child and Family?
Moderator: Gina Parker Collins, RIISE
Peltzer, Executive Director for Early Steps
Wheaton, Managing Editor for Inside Schools
Sutler, Co-Founder and Director of Strategic Development for the
Compass School
For tickets and
information, go to:
This event is presented as a
Mocha Moms, Inc. - Occupy Schools Initiative.
Special thanks to Brooklyn
Heights Montessori School for generously providing the space and
refreshments for this event.
Monday, September 19, 2016
Language development -Expressive language
Expressive language is very important therefore you need to help your infant/toddler to develop these skills . You can start by having your infant/toddler toys on the floor this way she have access to them . She is not talking but is able to decide what she wants to play with . Making decisions is another important skills that is needed for life. The frontal lobe of the brain that is responsible for higher level thinking is developing. When infants/toddlers have access to their materials they will have the opportunity to make decisions about what they would like to play with . Many times you go to a classroom or a home and the play things for the baby is usually out of reach . When the items are in reach the baby will also learn to multi-task. All babies are born will to learn but the experiences that the brain is given will determine how the brain gets wired.
Monday, September 12, 2016
Language development-School literacy
As your child gets ready to enter kindergarten does she have her school literacy in tact? You may be asking what is school literacy? Every space has a set of vocabulary and behavior that is appropriated for that space lets look at a few things :
- Is your child able to self regulate
- Is your child able to wait her turn
- Is your child able to share
- Can your child follow a 4 step direction
- Does your child understand when you say stop
- Is your child able to self-sooth
- Is your child able to take turns
- Is your child able to clean up when asked to
- Is your child able to cooperate with adults/children
Monday, September 5, 2016
Showing off -normal development
It is normal for your four year old to show off when you are in public yes they like to embarass you . Recently I was our with a frind and her four year old was letting her have it . She would ask him to not touch an item and he touched it more she walked over to get him and he began runnung around the store. She asked him to stop running and he began faces and run faster . My friend was frustrated. I sugested that she should say "ok I am leaveing and walked toward the exit " she did and he began to say "no mommy don't leave me ". She continue walking them he ran to catch up with us.
My friend was reminding me that she has given him so many experiences and he is acting as if he has never gone anywhere. This is her firstt child and she is learning that some behaviors are a part of developmental stages and parents must not over react to certain behaviors instead guide the young child to socially acceptable behaviors.young children are impulsive therefore the act our what they are thinking because they have not yet developed the ability to adapt to different spaces.
My friend was reminding me that she has given him so many experiences and he is acting as if he has never gone anywhere. This is her firstt child and she is learning that some behaviors are a part of developmental stages and parents must not over react to certain behaviors instead guide the young child to socially acceptable behaviors.young children are impulsive therefore the act our what they are thinking because they have not yet developed the ability to adapt to different spaces.
Monday, August 29, 2016
Social skills -Language development
Language skills are very important to children to have . Children must be able to understand laanguage before they in order to be successful in kindergarten .You need to give your baby receptive language ,the ability to identfy objects : car,fist,dog,chair etc. :this skill is acquired in a number of ways provideing age appropriate books,outings,community walks,speaking with the child and reading to the child on your lap. Books should also be available for the infant/toddler to read at her leisure.This builds the child's vocabulary.
Expressive language is the next stage of language now that tthe child has a good vocabulary she will be able to sexpree herself. You will guid her by asking open ended questions and allowing time for her to understand ,you will also have to model for her : for example if you say to the child you have finish you milk and now your tummy is full ; she may say I am hungry because she has not yet comprehend the word" full " as yet .Comprehension is a very important skill for young children to grasp . You need to give the child several experiences with a word along with the action when necessary so the child can comprehend it .You should be intential about it.Please listen to our radio program.
Sabree Education Services
Expressive language is the next stage of language now that tthe child has a good vocabulary she will be able to sexpree herself. You will guid her by asking open ended questions and allowing time for her to understand ,you will also have to model for her : for example if you say to the child you have finish you milk and now your tummy is full ; she may say I am hungry because she has not yet comprehend the word" full " as yet .Comprehension is a very important skill for young children to grasp . You need to give the child several experiences with a word along with the action when necessary so the child can comprehend it .You should be intential about it.Please listen to our radio program.
Sabree Education Services
Monday, August 22, 2016
Language development - Listening skills
The ability to listen is the most important skill that a child needs to have in order to be successful in kindergarten . The ability to listen must be taught very early . You can do this in a numnet of ways but will be giving you a few tips. You should play age appropriate children's music for your baby jazz,classical ,sleeptime for passive listening music when that baby is very young as she gets a little older 6 mos on you should add music with words and directions : For example clap your hands now the baby begins to do active listening : listening and following the instructions or directions . It is important to play the same songs serveral times because you are also developing the child's memory skills .
These skills are needed in life so it is very important that you have musice at home and in your car.
These skills are needed in life so it is very important that you have musice at home and in your car.
Sabree Education Services
Monday, August 15, 2016
Transitions are always happening in life but the most important thing is preparing your children for them . You should start this process early by giving the child a signal before a transition : for example if you are giving the baby a bath you will say to the baby in five minutes we will finish your bath and count down . This will give your baby the change to mentally prepare for the transition and let them understand what will happen next . Transitions allows children to learn how to be rounded and not to develop an addictive personality . That is why young children need different experiences in order to build a brain.
Listen by phone 605-562-6077
Daseta Gray, M.Ed, Certified Infant/Toddler Specialist
Verified Trainer, Aspire
Sabree Education Services
Sabree Education Services
Listen by phone 605-562-6077
Monday, July 18, 2016
Language delay -Receptive language delay
Language delay is more that not knowing words. Your child can have a receptive language disorder .
Receptive vocabulary is the foundation of language development and when a child has these skills it helps their social skills.
Receptive language includes the ability to comprehend , understand , do active listening and passive listening .
If your child is missing these skills it will become a problem because in order to learn how to read you must be able to understand language ,have the ability to listen and understand ,you should have a good vocabulary that will help you to express your self .
Playing children's music is a very good way to help your baby to develop active listening skills.
Reading and speaking with your baby also helps to develop receptive language skills
Giving simple directions to your baby helps to develop comprehensions skills .
These activities must start in the early years when the brain is being developed and the child will buld on them as they get older .
Receptive vocabulary is the foundation of language development and when a child has these skills it helps their social skills.
Receptive language includes the ability to comprehend , understand , do active listening and passive listening .
If your child is missing these skills it will become a problem because in order to learn how to read you must be able to understand language ,have the ability to listen and understand ,you should have a good vocabulary that will help you to express your self .
Playing children's music is a very good way to help your baby to develop active listening skills.
Reading and speaking with your baby also helps to develop receptive language skills
Giving simple directions to your baby helps to develop comprehensions skills .
These activities must start in the early years when the brain is being developed and the child will buld on them as they get older .
Friday, July 15, 2016
Mental health in young children
Many people shy away from the word mental health however ,being mentally healthy is the foundation of your ability to know your abilities,being able to manage every day stress,being able to contribute to your community. When you have a young child you must give them the tools that will help them to learn these skills that will help them to become productive citizens .Many times the adults in a child's life can cause the young child to have mental illness .
Adults must practice responsive care when you have an infant .Many of the problems that children develop begins during the infant/toddler years when the brain is developing the most and remembers all the experiences . Experiences is what builds a brain .
The suicide rate for children 10-14 years is very high and the question is what will make a 10 year old kill them self ? You should be in tune with your child and check in with her to make sure she is fine.
Adults must practice responsive care when you have an infant .Many of the problems that children develop begins during the infant/toddler years when the brain is developing the most and remembers all the experiences . Experiences is what builds a brain .
The suicide rate for children 10-14 years is very high and the question is what will make a 10 year old kill them self ? You should be in tune with your child and check in with her to make sure she is fine.
Monday, July 11, 2016
Expressive vocabulary
Expressive vocabulary is also a critical part in language development during the first three years. Asking your toddler open ended questions helps to develop expressive language skills. You should ask question that has the following words:
Why do you like to drink orange juice?
What do you think will happen next or you can look and ask what do you think the story is about?
Which dress would you like to wear today ?
These basic questions will help your infant/toddler with developing expressive language skills.
How does it taste
These questions help children to express their opinions. Speaking with your baby is critical for language development.
Why do you like to drink orange juice?
What do you think will happen next or you can look and ask what do you think the story is about?
Which dress would you like to wear today ?
These basic questions will help your infant/toddler with developing expressive language skills.
How does it taste
These questions help children to express their opinions. Speaking with your baby is critical for language development.
Sunday, July 3, 2016
Critical thinking
June 15th,2016
Male African American
Age 4.9months
Ajani and I were playing with his letter cubes .We were making words like : pan,car,sun,map,bed,man,and we wanted to make the word( pot) and we found P and O and we kept searching for T and we did not see a (t) Ajani found a lower case( f) he said "NaNa we can just cut off the top and use it as a "t" ". I responded by saying" that is a great idea and we will pretend that it is a (T) because I am not able to cut the cube". We did make the word (pot) using the small f as a (t). This response encouraged his problem solving skills and continue to build his self-esteem ,his competency and his language skills.
The frontal lube in the brain is responsible for executive function ,this section of the brain is responsible for many things including problem solving skills. I was amazed at his ability to problem solve . He did not get frustrated that 'sbecause he has learned how to self-regulate during the first three years.
June 15th,2016
Male African American
Age 4.9months
Ajani and I were playing with his letter cubes .We were making words like : pan,car,sun,map,bed,man,and we wanted to make the word( pot) and we found P and O and we kept searching for T and we did not see a (t) Ajani found a lower case( f) he said "NaNa we can just cut off the top and use it as a "t" ". I responded by saying" that is a great idea and we will pretend that it is a (T) because I am not able to cut the cube". We did make the word (pot) using the small f as a (t). This response encouraged his problem solving skills and continue to build his self-esteem ,his competency and his language skills.
The frontal lube in the brain is responsible for executive function ,this section of the brain is responsible for many things including problem solving skills. I was amazed at his ability to problem solve . He did not get frustrated that 'sbecause he has learned how to self-regulate during the first three years.
Monday, June 20, 2016
Language development -You learn differnt words in differnt spaces
It is important to take your infant/toddler to different spaces and allow them to interact with different children.
Monday, June 13, 2016
Language development-0-3 years
Language development is more than just speaking . There is area in the brain is responsible for speech however language is more than speaking.It is important that you speak with your baby because the baby is not able to respond but the information is being stored and when it is time to speak she will have words to use. The brain records all the experiences and waits for the right time to use it.Every experience expose your baby to different words . It is important to take your baby to different spaces for example: the museum,the zoo,multicultural festivals,different communities . These places teach your baby different words and will leave a photo on their brain.
Receptive vocabulary is critical in order for your baby to have enough words to express themselves.
Receptive vocabulary is critical in order for your baby to have enough words to express themselves.
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Language development -4years and 8 months
May 27,2016
Time _ after 2pm
Ajani begins to walk down the stairs . I held his hand and he stopped. "NaNa if you hold my hand I will fall and buss my mouth then you will need to take me to the hospital. Do you want that to happen NaNa? No I don't .So nana don't do that again . Now moving I will walk by myself.
Looking at his thought process he clearly understands language .He has good expressive language skills.
He is using many words that he will be introduced to on paper. Having the experience with these words will make it easy for him to transition to the written form of communication. In order for children to read they need these basic language skills: receptive, expressive, comprehension and listening skills.
Sabree Education Services
May 27,2016
Time _ after 2pm
Ajani begins to walk down the stairs . I held his hand and he stopped. "NaNa if you hold my hand I will fall and buss my mouth then you will need to take me to the hospital. Do you want that to happen NaNa? No I don't .So nana don't do that again . Now moving I will walk by myself.
Looking at his thought process he clearly understands language .He has good expressive language skills.
He is using many words that he will be introduced to on paper. Having the experience with these words will make it easy for him to transition to the written form of communication. In order for children to read they need these basic language skills: receptive, expressive, comprehension and listening skills.
Sabree Education Services
Listen by phone 605-562-6077
Listen by phone 605-562-6077
Monday, May 16, 2016
Language development durning the first 2000 days
For those of you who have been following our blog it has been 4 yrs and 7 months since we began this blog. It has been an interesting journey watching and documenting the development of my grandson's brain . His language skills is changing weekly last week he was speaking to me and he said "NaNa do you remember last week we picked up my friend it was a long time ago". He is 4yrs and 7 months . He is understanding the sense of time he is able to do that based on the experiences he has had with language . He has receptive language skills and expressive being able to use and understand language helps to get you ready for reading.
Many people focus on literacy but understanding language is the first step towards reading words.
Many people focus on literacy but understanding language is the first step towards reading words.
Monday, May 9, 2016
Is this your first time visiting the blog?
Hello and thank you for visiting our blog ? If this is your first time visiting the blog welcome . The blog has several features : You can change it to any language
You can search the blog
There are several resources that you can use .
If you would like to send us an email feel free to do
You can search the blog
There are several resources that you can use .
If you would like to send us an email feel free to do
Monday, May 2, 2016
Quality books for infants/toddlers in all communities
We would like to see Target stack quality books for infants/toddlers in all communities not just the affluent ones . Please sign our petition and send Target a message and put business on notice because they have a social responsibility to invest in the infants/toddlers in their communities.Fell free to share with your friends.
I just signed the petition "Keith Wright: Target: low
income areas want quality books for infants and toddlers" and wanted to
see if you could help by adding your name.
Our goal is to reach 100 signatures and we need more support. You can read more and sign the petition here:
Sunday, April 24, 2016
The need for quality care for infants/toddlers
Daseta Gray, M.Ed, Certified Infant/Toddler Specialist
Follow us on Twitter @KinderSuccess * Join Us on Facebook First2000DaysGlobal * View us on Instagram KindergartenSuccess
"The brain is like a circuit breaker, in order for your infant/toddler to learn you must provide the tools to connect the wires" -Daseta Gray
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Will you be able to send a camera to record some parts of the presentation ?
Lets talk about having a discussion .![]()
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Language development
Language development is very important because it is one of the ways that we communicate our thoughts,feelings and how we learn socialize with our peers. Language has several skills that the infants and toddlers need to learn : Receptive vocabulary ,the ability to name things,for example if you show the child a picture of a fish they should be able to name it ;expressive language is also critical ,the child's ability to express themselves, the ability to speak in sentences,comprehension is also very important ,listening skills are also very important . There are many parts to language development but these skills that I mention forms the foundation of language .
When children are found to have a language delay it is not just not knowing words ,the inability to comprehension ,lacking listening skills,following directions ,not being able to express themselves these are just a few examples of what is considered language delay.
Here is a resource that you can use.Please share this information with your friends.
When children are found to have a language delay it is not just not knowing words ,the inability to comprehension ,lacking listening skills,following directions ,not being able to express themselves these are just a few examples of what is considered language delay.
Here is a resource that you can use.Please share this information with your friends.
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Language development
Language development is one of the most important skills your infant/toddler needs to learn . Understanding how language works is critical because when a child understands how language work they will be able to have receptive and expressive language. Your toddler will need to have several experiences with words for them to learn the meaning or the action that goes with the word. When the feel comfortable they will experiment with it .
Here is a good example : Ajani likes to do several things at the same time and we usually say wow you are multitasking . We have been saying this for a number of months. On Tuesdays March 22 around 5pm his mother was in the kitchen he was on his scooter and kept calling "look ma Im on my scooter" , His mother tending to the pot said"Ajani I cant look because I am cooking".Ajani responded " ma multitask,look and cook ,ma look and cook". We began to laugh .
At that point he has clearly demonstrated that he understand the meaning of multitasking.
That meaning is imprinted in his brain and when he is introduced to the written form he will be able to use his meta-cognition to recognize it.
Here is a good example : Ajani likes to do several things at the same time and we usually say wow you are multitasking . We have been saying this for a number of months. On Tuesdays March 22 around 5pm his mother was in the kitchen he was on his scooter and kept calling "look ma Im on my scooter" , His mother tending to the pot said"Ajani I cant look because I am cooking".Ajani responded " ma multitask,look and cook ,ma look and cook". We began to laugh .
At that point he has clearly demonstrated that he understand the meaning of multitasking.
That meaning is imprinted in his brain and when he is introduced to the written form he will be able to use his meta-cognition to recognize it.
Monday, March 28, 2016
National Week of the Young Child April 11 - 16, 2016
In lieu of our smaller monthly meeting we will have our discussion as part of the National Week of the Young Child.
April 12, 2016
Details about the event are below.
As we approach the National Week of the Young Child event we want to extend an invitation to you to celebrate our youngest learners.
Share with others.
To RSVP visit the link
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Brain development is community development
When you are pregnant you need to begin nurturing the babies brains by making sure that your are healthy . The brain is the engine that fuels everything and if you do not take care of it then your baby will not be able to become a positive contributor to her community .Eating healthy ,reading to the baby,playing age appropriate music and exposing the baby to different spaces are critical for the brain development . You will need to have a variety of books for baby and a variety of age appropriate toys . You should also engage with your baby.
When your baby gets to kindergarten and have the skills that are needed she will be ready to move to the next level of development .
When your baby gets to kindergarten and have the skills that are needed she will be ready to move to the next level of development .
Sunday, March 20, 2016
With all that science is telling us we should respond
The research shows that the first three years are critical for brain development because the brain grows the most during those years at birth your brain is 25% developed and by age 3 it is 85% the size of the adult brain .It is critical that you give your baby those social,emotional and cognitive skills that are needed for kindergarten and life . Research has shown that what happens in the womb and the first 2000 days of like sets the foundation for what is to come . Many of the problems that adults have later in life can be traced back to missed opportunities to learned some skills during the first 2000 days.Many times when adults need to solve complex problems they resort to those early skills that they were during those early years. Have you wondered why as a nation we are not using science to create policies that will give us better outcomes for all children? Other countries understand that their babies are their future.
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Relationships -positive attatchment.
Young children strive in positive relationships and this begins when you are expecting .When you pregnant it is critical that you are in a loving caring relationship. Babies can hear what is going on in in your stomach . When the baby is born it is important that the space is healthy ,calm,and comfortable. Living in a house does not make it a home when your baby is hear arguing ,cursing and loud noise. The baby's brain will develop based on the experiences that it is exposed to . It is important that all the adults who will be interacting with the baby understands the importance of maintaining a positive relationship around the child.
Secure attachment occurs when children have positive attachment .You must make your child feel important as the child grows you will maintain an open communication.Children with positive attachment adjust better in school they are more likely to cooperate and have fewer behavior problems.
Secure attachment occurs when children have positive attachment .You must make your child feel important as the child grows you will maintain an open communication.Children with positive attachment adjust better in school they are more likely to cooperate and have fewer behavior problems.
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Receptive language and comprehension
Receptive language and communication is very critical for infants and toddlers .Many children have a delay in receptive and comprehension .
Here are a few tips that you can use :
Here are a few tips that you can use :
- Talk with your baby so they learn to associate words with actions : eg Now I am going to change your diaper
- Use simple sentences
- Play with your child
- When you speak with your infant/toddler get to their level
- Ask them to repeat what you said to make sure they understand: Do you know why you cant watch TV now?
- Allow your child to think and respond to your request
- Allow your child to be heard
Sunday, February 21, 2016
Books and your baby
Books are very important for your baby and reading plays animportant role in brain development .
When ou read to your baby you are teaching your baby different skills here are a few of them:
The baby is learning passive and active listening skills
When ou read to your baby you are teaching your baby different skills here are a few of them:
The baby is learning passive and active listening skills
- Intorduction to language skills
- Love for reading
- Sentence structure
- how to focus
- self-regulation
- fine motor skills
- receptive and expressive language
- Comprehension
- Cognitive skills
Thursday, February 4, 2016
Language development
Sunday January 31st,2016
African American boy
4.4 years
Usually we will see who will finish eating because he always want to race .
Today we both have our dinner ."let's see who will finish first". I don't want to race . Nana "Nyasha say you don't have to race".
His aunt told him this a few months ago but all the times that he initiated a race he selectively forget about it . He does not want to race and he remembers to remind me of that statement that his aunt told him.
He clearly understands language and how and when to use it to his advantage.
Sunday January 31st,2016
African American boy
4.4 years
Usually we will see who will finish eating because he always want to race .
Today we both have our dinner ."let's see who will finish first". I don't want to race . Nana "Nyasha say you don't have to race".
His aunt told him this a few months ago but all the times that he initiated a race he selectively forget about it . He does not want to race and he remembers to remind me of that statement that his aunt told him.
He clearly understands language and how and when to use it to his advantage.
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
discussion 2/9/16 Play: Development of Social, Emotional and Cognitive skills during (0-3 years)
Extend the invitation to colleagues working with families with
infants and toddlers
Infancy Leadership Circle of Central & North Harlem
Topic: Play: Development of Social, Emotional and Cognitive
skills during (0-3 years)
“Raising Voices for Babies”
A growing statewide movement
Bringing together diverse
professionals in local communities who work with infants, toddlers and their
families to promote high-quality & comprehensive services and become the
“Infancy Voice” within broader Early Childhood Initiatives.
Parents with infants and toddlers
are welcome and encouraged to attend
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
am—11:30 pm
Host: East
Harlem Asthma Center of Excellence
Conference room
E 110 St (bet 3rd Ave & Lexington)
York, NY 10029
Train: 6 train to 110th Street
Please RSVP by Friday, February 5, 2016
Items to look for in a child care program
Many parents believe that once their child is happy, no scrapes and the child care center is clean that is enough. However, there are other factors that are important to ensure health, safety and assist with developmental milestones.
A note: when looking for child care program please make sure you can clearly see on a bulletin board (in the hall or classroom):
-staff credentials
-emergency evacution plan
-parent information
-health & safety information (hand washing)
-poison hotline number
-daily schedule
-certificate of fitness
-fire extinguishers (in the classroom and hallways)
-child care license from the department of health
-are meals prepared daily or is a hot meal delivered
-emergency procedure
-do they administer medication (MAT)
-Ask what type of training the teacher has within the infant room
Also find out how they help develop social, emotional and cognitive skills.
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Spreading the word about the need for quality care for infants and toddlers
It is very important for parents to be educated about brain development those first three years. The research shows that the brain grows the most during those years and investing in those years are critical. Reading this information is important you cannot leave your baby to chance and believing when you take them to pre-K the workers are trained in infant/toddler development is a big mistake according to the latest book : The New Early Childhood Professional (2015) B. Gadson., K.Amel V. Washington..
In Centers
32% have an associate or BA
34% have some college credit
34% have some high school diploma or less
Unlisted family childcare
47% have completed High School or less
As you can see many people in the early education field are not trained in infant/toddler development and many investors are only interested in the money that they make. Childcare is a big business. It is difficult for you to give young children the skills they need if you are lacking.
In Centers
- 39% have a BA did not say if it was Education
- 19% have a High School or less
- 28% have some college credits but no degree
- 17% have an associate degree
32% have an associate or BA
34% have some college credit
34% have some high school diploma or less
Unlisted family childcare
47% have completed High School or less
As you can see many people in the early education field are not trained in infant/toddler development and many investors are only interested in the money that they make. Childcare is a big business. It is difficult for you to give young children the skills they need if you are lacking.
Monday, February 1, 2016
Observation-Language development
It is very important that when you communicate with your four year old you make it very clear.
On Friday John who is 4yr old and his mother had a conversation. His mother said to him .John take you boots off at the door and then go straight to the bathroom. John walked pass the bathroom. I said to him you are passing the bathroom and you mother said to go in the bathroom. No,she said go straight see and he walked passed the bathroom.
Young children take things literal you must be mindful and communicate clear . Language development and comprehension are very important . You should give the same instructions until he gets it.
Think about how you are communicating to your four year old.
On Friday John who is 4yr old and his mother had a conversation. His mother said to him .John take you boots off at the door and then go straight to the bathroom. John walked pass the bathroom. I said to him you are passing the bathroom and you mother said to go in the bathroom. No,she said go straight see and he walked passed the bathroom.
Young children take things literal you must be mindful and communicate clear . Language development and comprehension are very important . You should give the same instructions until he gets it.
Think about how you are communicating to your four year old.
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Your four year old will take risk
Risk taking is important it builds confidence and increase self-esteem and children begin to feel competent.You must allow children to take risk and help them by making the space safe for them.You should also use worlds such as -You are brave you did it!
I came from the kitchen and observed this action. You cannot have a weak heart when you are a parent.
I came from the kitchen and observed this action. You cannot have a weak heart when you are a parent.
Friday, January 29, 2016
Thursday, January 28, 2016
The ability to focus is critical
The ability to focus is one of the most important skills that is needed for success in kindergarten . It is important for you to give your young child different experiences.Your child needs a variety of toys at home.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Urban Kids Journeys radio on now... topic social skills
Today Listen to Daseta
and Reeshemah on Urban Kids Journeys Radio 11:00 am - 12:00 pm as we talk about
social skills, setting limits with infants and toddlers. Listen via tune in ;
; via phone 605-562-6153. Call in with questions
605-562-6153 (to connect to us, press 5 on your phone).
Pre -reading skills
Having experience with books is the key to developing the love for reading.Books should be available to your young child this way they can read when they want to.
Monday, January 25, 2016
Experience is what builds a brain
Experiences are the ingredient to building a brain. Those social,emotional and cognitive skills are critical.
The First 2000 days Global
We would like you to like our page and feel free to leave a comment:
You can also listen to our radio program @
Please share with your friends.
You can also listen to our radio program @
Please share with your friends.
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Saturday, January 23, 2016
The ability to focus
It is important for you to give your young child different experiences . Doing puzzles help them to focusing and problem solving.It is important to do activities with your child.
Friday, January 22, 2016
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
The first 2000 days global
Please visit our new face book page and like us and you can leave a comment
please share with your friends You can also listen to us at or via your phone 401283551
please share with your friends You can also listen to us at or via your phone 401283551
Active listening
Taking your young child to different spaces help them to sharpen their listening skills and they are learning how to socialize.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Development Skills
It is important for you to know the ability of your child it is not healthy to put your child in situations that she is not able to manage.When children are placed in situation that they are not able to manage they become frustrated and that affects their self-esteem and their confidence . In order for children to develop their skills they need time to practice and patience from caring adults that understand that when children have social emotional and cognitive skills they will become successful in kindergarten and life.You also must allow them to take risk.
Monday, January 18, 2016
Play- social skills
Play is very powerful for children's development and play begins early with your new baby . The first rattle that you give your baby she begins to play with it. You also need to teach your baby how to play by playing with her and allow her to play alone also.It is critical that you give your baby a safe space to play where she can freely explore .Infants and toddlers develop a number of skills during :
- Language skills
- Negociation skills
- Listening skill
- Cooperation
- Taking turns
- Math
- Science
- Problem sloving
- Self-regulation
- And many more skills
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Cognitive development -Language skills
Date: 1.16.16
Gender Male
Time 6:30pm
Mommy why is NaNa back pack on the stove ? I do not know why don't you ask her. NaNa why is you backpack on the stove ? I paused thinking what to say . I did not get to respond . NaNa that is the stove your bag is not a pot or a plate NaNa your bag will get burn it don't belong on the stove. I smiled not having a chance to respond . I walked over and removed my back pack from the stove.
Date: 1.16.16
Gender Male
Time 6:30pm
Mommy why is NaNa back pack on the stove ? I do not know why don't you ask her. NaNa why is you backpack on the stove ? I paused thinking what to say . I did not get to respond . NaNa that is the stove your bag is not a pot or a plate NaNa your bag will get burn it don't belong on the stove. I smiled not having a chance to respond . I walked over and removed my back pack from the stove.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Ability to focus
The ability to focus begins very early by training the brain and providing the tools . I have worked with children from kindergarten to the high school and one of the big problem is their inability to focus . Allowing infant/toddlers to play and allowing them to choose what they want to play with allows them to develop their focusing skills .Researchers have found that when infants/toddlers choose items that they want to play with they spend a longer time playing . This helps them to focus longer and they begin to learn self-regulation.The ability to focus may be the most important skill that your infant/toddler will need for school. It is best to develop these skills before your child get to formal school.
Monday, January 11, 2016
Last week I handed one of my cards to a parent and told him that I have a parent blog ,do you have any advice for a four year old that does not listen?
This is a normal part of development for four year old. They do not readily cooperate ,they push the limit to see how much they can get away with .For example they need to get dress and you give them their clothes when look and they want to play with their truck but you have to leave at a certain time.You need to explain to them in a calm voice that they need to put the truck down get dress then they can continue to play. This will need to be done several times because understanding the language and the action takes a while for them to comprehend . You have to be patient because once they get it you can move on to the next level .Some behaviors are normal developmental stages and you must guide them through .No and why is also their favorite words.
This is a normal part of development for four year old. They do not readily cooperate ,they push the limit to see how much they can get away with .For example they need to get dress and you give them their clothes when look and they want to play with their truck but you have to leave at a certain time.You need to explain to them in a calm voice that they need to put the truck down get dress then they can continue to play. This will need to be done several times because understanding the language and the action takes a while for them to comprehend . You have to be patient because once they get it you can move on to the next level .Some behaviors are normal developmental stages and you must guide them through .No and why is also their favorite words.
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Physical development
It is critical for you to give your baby tummy time . This helps to to develop the trunk,neck,the arms and the legs . The baby will get ready for crawling,sitting up etc.Having babies on the floor is the best way to allow a fine and gross muscles . There is a section of the brain that is responsible for movements and coordination of muscles given young children the opportunity to move around is critical for their physical development .When your baby gets to school being able to hold their pencil to write is important running with their friends on the play ground and keeping up is important when these skills are not developed it affects their self-esteem and self-confidence.
With young children you are focusing on building the basic skills for them. Children are developing active listening skills and painting ,adaptive social skills.
With young children you are focusing on building the basic skills for them. Children are developing active listening skills and painting ,adaptive social skills.
Saturday, January 9, 2016
Empowering yourself
As a parent it is important for you to become aware of the different delays that young children can have and how to notice delays and the services that are available. However ,when you are an informed parent you can prevent some of these delays by doing intentional teaching.
Having information is very important because you can empower yourself. Yo can find more information on this link.
We also have a radio program you can listen to us at
Having information is very important because you can empower yourself. Yo can find more information on this link.
We also have a radio program you can listen to us at
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Saturday, January 2, 2016
Friday, January 1, 2016
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