

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Who is guiding your infant/toddler ?

In order for young children to learn acceptable behaviors, socialization skills a caring adult must be engaging with the infant/toddler. This is called the serve and response method. The idea od interacting with young children appears to have lost it's place due to your cell phone, i-pod etc. These are just some observations a caregiver is pushing a stroller across the street and using one hand and the other hand is holding a cell to his  ear, a caregiver is walking with a  young child the child is behind her and she is walking with  two ear plugs in her ear and jamming to her music, she lets out a yell "stop" as the child runs a head of her, in the park the caregivers gather in a section and are busy socializing  while the children play with no supervision or interaction from the adults, in the museum the parents is on  blackberry while their toddlers play in the sand box.

Who is actually teaching infants/toddlers how to negotiate if you only paid attention because your toddler is on the floor crying but you did not see the she  was trying to grab the shovel from the other toddler and was pushed down. This is where bullying begins during these infant/toddler years  when that caring adult is not engaged in order to guide positive behaviors.
You are your infant/toddler mirror to the world  .

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