

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Cooperation-brain development

Your baby is now 24months  old she is a toddler. Her favorite word is "NO" . The is a  word that is easy to say. It appears that the letter N and O are easy to pronounce . Your toddler does not understand the meaning as you will notice that NO also means yes for your toddler. You need to be patient and talk through the challenges that your toddler is experiencing at this stage of development.
She will also begin to scream and through herself on the floor if she is not able to get things when she wants it or if she is in danger and you have to take an item away from her . The cerebral cortex is one of the major sections of the brain and it is develops last and it is responsible for conscious ,voluntary actions. As your toddler puts on a show just keep the developmental stage in mind. When she is on the floor screaming you just need to remind her that is not the way we get things done in the real world. If the space is safe like at home just allow her to cry one she is calm  you should ask ,are you finish now. This is not the best way to get what you need. If it was a dangerous situation explain that also. You are teaching negotiation skills and need to be consistent and be patient. This is also helping the child to learn how to  manage their emotions and to do transitions. Once you do this by the time your child is three years old they would have learned how to control their emotion and how to negotiate. This is a skill that is needed for school and life.
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