

Monday, November 18, 2013

Interrupting the flow of imagination

A few weeks ago I took Ajani to a children's museum. There was a boy toddler near by using a toy (not as it should be) the father quickly told him "that's not a phone" (for example, I don't remember exactly what was said) and the father began to show his son how to interact with the toy.

Sometimes we as adults forget what imagination is and forget that toddlers are exploring their imagination. When we hinder them we begin to stifle a component of the brain (frontal lobe) that  develop their critical thinking, problem solving, planning, reasoning and decision making. Your toddler make the decision to take an object and turn it into another function.

There was nothing wrong with the toddler testing the toy as having a different function. Rather than saying, "no sweetheart that's not a phone." You could consider saying, "oh wow you turned xxx (name the toy) into a..."

You want to encourage creativity especially if it's not a dangerous situation.

Be well

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