

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Hitting - Guidance

Your 20 month old is now hitting . Your  toddler cannot express her frustrations and also has not yet learned how to articulate her needs/wants verbally. She hits if you tak an object away from her. You should be reminded that your babies brain is developing . The Broca's area controls the speech and written language and the Wernicke's areas of the brain is responsible for speech and plays a critical role in understanding meaningful speech.
 Your baby understands speech but is not yet able to articulate. When your baby exhibits unacceptable behaviors  you must guide her and it must be positive . do not yell DONT DO THAT ! you should speak in a calm voice and explain  you can begin by  saying" Peter that is not how you get things done. you do not need to hit just ask and I will give it to you. If an object is dangerous and she is crying for it  just calmly explain that the object is dangerous and it is not safe for him to play with it." Your toddler will keep crying but as time goes on he will understand.  The brain is developing and you must guide your infant/toddler this will allow her to develop self discipline. These two sections must be developed  together .

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