

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Hitting - The impulsive toddler

Observation :
Ajani is going through a phase that he has to guided through . He is now hitting and without provocation at times . He is very impulsive  whatever his brain tells him that is what he does.
I recalled when he discovered that he can throw items up and down he would trough what ever he could manage to pick up. When he is in the care he would throw things through the windows. We has to close the windows when he was in the car plus remove items that were in his arm reach.

Hitting- you have to be patient and  each time he  hits you need to explain to him that "hands are not for hitting"  explain  some of the positive things that we do with our hands. You can even create a jingle for both of you. Guidance is a constant during these critical years . When you become successful in guiding your toddler towards the behavior that is required the child will begin to learn discipline . This helps with self-regulation also . Giving your toddler words to use when there is a need will help also. You must  give time for your toddler to understand language  and appropriate behaviors. This is a part of social skills.
Ajani threw his shoes out the window we realized when he said my shoes a few times and we asked, Where is your shoes " I throw it" we had to turn back to get it  we were not on the highway which was good . We were on RT 21.

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