The first thee years are critical and you must give your young child different experiences . Each of these experiences expands their cognitive skills ,the amount of things that they know. Remember that your baby is born with a clean slate and will only know what you expose the brain to. The brain grows the most during the first three years.
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Sharing information and advice on the most critical time... The first 2000 Days. What are some things you can look out for and some activities you can do with infants/toddlers to get them through the various developmental milestones before they get to school. Also I will share information for the caregivers from age appropriate books to setting up classrooms.
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Saturday, November 29, 2014
The three year old- Brain development
Ajani is now three years and two months. He wants to do his own thing. Usually when he attends arts week-end at his aunt's school he would sit though all the performances, however this week-end (11/23/14) he told his mom "no I don't waana sit". His mom asked "why you do not want to listen to your Titi sing " "no I do waana sit". His mother had to sit out the performance with him.
I observed the frustration on his mother's face, because this is the last fall arts week-end for her sister. I did not intervene. I observed this first time mother carefully handle the situation in a professional way. This was done because she has been coached. She also has access to reading materials about brain development and the first three years how critical they are.
Coaching first time moms is critical in helping them to navigate those first three years (you will get frustrated if you try to interact the same way you were raised, you should modify how you do things based on your little one. There is a great deal of excellent research out there and this blog lol).
Getting your toddler to cooperate takes patience, time and guidance. I find that asking them in a calm voice and explaining the behavior that you would like helps. When you demand the behavior that you would like they become less cooperative. Communication is key in building relationship and trust.
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Ajani is now three years and two months. He wants to do his own thing. Usually when he attends arts week-end at his aunt's school he would sit though all the performances, however this week-end (11/23/14) he told his mom "no I don't waana sit". His mom asked "why you do not want to listen to your Titi sing " "no I do waana sit". His mother had to sit out the performance with him.
I observed the frustration on his mother's face, because this is the last fall arts week-end for her sister. I did not intervene. I observed this first time mother carefully handle the situation in a professional way. This was done because she has been coached. She also has access to reading materials about brain development and the first three years how critical they are.
Coaching first time moms is critical in helping them to navigate those first three years (you will get frustrated if you try to interact the same way you were raised, you should modify how you do things based on your little one. There is a great deal of excellent research out there and this blog lol).
Getting your toddler to cooperate takes patience, time and guidance. I find that asking them in a calm voice and explaining the behavior that you would like helps. When you demand the behavior that you would like they become less cooperative. Communication is key in building relationship and trust.
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Thursday, November 27, 2014
Problem solving--taking gentle risks
Have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving
Recently I was at the park and this child was climbing on the spider web. The parent would not allow the child to explore she kept saying be careful you may fall. That is not good words for young children to hear. Exploring and taking risk must be allowed and parents should provide guidance ,support and encouragement. You make the space safe by being there just in case and also if the child slips do not make a big deal. You can say let's try again because children need to he encouraging words.
Developing the muscles in your legs, arms, fingers and wrist are very important. Young children need to be able to control their bodies. When they are able to control their body it builds their self-esteem and self-confidence.
Do not prevent your child from taking risk.
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Recently I was at the park and this child was climbing on the spider web. The parent would not allow the child to explore she kept saying be careful you may fall. That is not good words for young children to hear. Exploring and taking risk must be allowed and parents should provide guidance ,support and encouragement. You make the space safe by being there just in case and also if the child slips do not make a big deal. You can say let's try again because children need to he encouraging words.
Developing the muscles in your legs, arms, fingers and wrist are very important. Young children need to be able to control their bodies. When they are able to control their body it builds their self-esteem and self-confidence.
Do not prevent your child from taking risk.
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Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Traveling with an infant or toddler for the holiday
Good day,
I hope everyone is doing well. As you prepare to spend Thanksgiving with family and friends remember to take a few essential items for your toddler.
Toys and books. Especially items that help keep her focused such as puzzles, leggo and a train set. You should also have a few easy to carry items for the car, train or bus items that are easy to pull out and not too big. If you have age appropriate children's music for the trip carry that also.
If your toddler is being potty trained (or already potty trained) carry a bottle for your little one to pee in, let's face it sometimes the bathrooms are very dirty on the road or very few to find in time. I thank you friend J for that tip.
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Again enjoy Thanksgiving.
Be well
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I hope everyone is doing well. As you prepare to spend Thanksgiving with family and friends remember to take a few essential items for your toddler.
Toys and books. Especially items that help keep her focused such as puzzles, leggo and a train set. You should also have a few easy to carry items for the car, train or bus items that are easy to pull out and not too big. If you have age appropriate children's music for the trip carry that also.
If your toddler is being potty trained (or already potty trained) carry a bottle for your little one to pee in, let's face it sometimes the bathrooms are very dirty on the road or very few to find in time. I thank you friend J for that tip.
Remember you can share the blog with others. They too can subscribe
Again enjoy Thanksgiving.
Be well
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Monday, November 24, 2014
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Friday, November 21, 2014
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Hitting - The impulsive toddler
Observation :
Ajani is going through a phase that he has to guided through . He is now hitting and without provocation at times . He is very impulsive whatever his brain tells him that is what he does.
I recalled when he discovered that he can throw items up and down he would trough what ever he could manage to pick up. When he is in the care he would throw things through the windows. We has to close the windows when he was in the car plus remove items that were in his arm reach.
Hitting- you have to be patient and each time he hits you need to explain to him that "hands are not for hitting" explain some of the positive things that we do with our hands. You can even create a jingle for both of you. Guidance is a constant during these critical years . When you become successful in guiding your toddler towards the behavior that is required the child will begin to learn discipline . This helps with self-regulation also . Giving your toddler words to use when there is a need will help also. You must give time for your toddler to understand language and appropriate behaviors. This is a part of social skills.
Ajani threw his shoes out the window we realized when he said my shoes a few times and we asked, Where is your shoes " I throw it" we had to turn back to get it we were not on the highway which was good . We were on RT 21.
Ajani is going through a phase that he has to guided through . He is now hitting and without provocation at times . He is very impulsive whatever his brain tells him that is what he does.
I recalled when he discovered that he can throw items up and down he would trough what ever he could manage to pick up. When he is in the care he would throw things through the windows. We has to close the windows when he was in the car plus remove items that were in his arm reach.
Hitting- you have to be patient and each time he hits you need to explain to him that "hands are not for hitting" explain some of the positive things that we do with our hands. You can even create a jingle for both of you. Guidance is a constant during these critical years . When you become successful in guiding your toddler towards the behavior that is required the child will begin to learn discipline . This helps with self-regulation also . Giving your toddler words to use when there is a need will help also. You must give time for your toddler to understand language and appropriate behaviors. This is a part of social skills.
Ajani threw his shoes out the window we realized when he said my shoes a few times and we asked, Where is your shoes " I throw it" we had to turn back to get it we were not on the highway which was good . We were on RT 21.
Monday, November 17, 2014
Science -Experience - is what builds a brain
Sunday, November 16, 2014
This is a scene from a baby and wee session- These babies are doing finger painting . This is a sensory activity , the baby is using all her senses. We also explain to moms to introduce language during the activity- for example how does it feel ? Mothers also get a chance to meeting and discuss their challenges and joys.This a pre-writing skill activity.
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Brooklyn Children' Museum- October 2014
Socialization: Children are learning how to listen and follow directions . A skill needed for school.
Certified Infant/Toddler Specialist
Sabree Education Services
Certified Infant/Toddler Specialist
Sabree Education Services
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Friday, November 14, 2014
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Tea & Tots @ Beautiful Beginnings 3D Imaging Center--Free session
Join us in Scarsdale from 9:30am - 12:00pm (20 minute sessions)
as we speak about "The baby has arrived, now what?"
After you get feeding, sleep schedule, bath time, diapering somewhat down who helps with the other aspects.
We will touch on brain development, socialization, developing problem solving skills and language skills.
Session is faciliated by Daseta Gray, Certified Infant/Toddler Specialist
Beautiful Beginnings 969L Central Park Ave
Scarsdale, NY 10583 (in the Midwood Shopping Center--where Lakeshore is located)
as we speak about "The baby has arrived, now what?"
After you get feeding, sleep schedule, bath time, diapering somewhat down who helps with the other aspects.
We will touch on brain development, socialization, developing problem solving skills and language skills.
Session is faciliated by Daseta Gray, Certified Infant/Toddler Specialist
Beautiful Beginnings 969L Central Park Ave
Scarsdale, NY 10583 (in the Midwood Shopping Center--where Lakeshore is located)
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Stem is every where -Brain develpoment
Eating and stacking his food . Math and science is every where. Toddles mus be given time to eat and enjoy their meal and have a chance to discover new things.He is also watching his favorite show. Feeding your self is kill that is needed for school.
Monday, November 10, 2014
Social skills- Brain development
Language skills are very important this experience introduced him to a new word hammock. Language development happens everywhere . Words allow infants and toddlers the ability to speak in sentences and they begin to learn that words make sentences. The more words they know the better they will become at expressing themselves. This is a part of cognitive skills that is needed for school.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Fine motor skills-brain development
Experiences are the key to brain development. This is a pre-writing activity .The boys are also learning how to focus ,make decision, learning how to self-regulate( the ability to sit for a while) developing their small muscles in their fingers and wrist and their eyes .This is also science because when they mix the colors they will discover a new color.
These skills are needed for school. In order for them to be able to hold a pencil and write those fine muscles must be strong.These activities you should be doing at home.
This is also socialization because they are in a different space than home.
Ages 3 and almost 3.
These skills are needed for school. In order for them to be able to hold a pencil and write those fine muscles must be strong.These activities you should be doing at home.
This is also socialization because they are in a different space than home.
Ages 3 and almost 3.
Daseta Gray, M.Ed, Certified Infant/Toddler Specialist
Verified Trainer, Aspire
Sabree Education Services
Sabree Education Services
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Saturday, November 8, 2014
Adapative Social behavior -During the infant /toddler years
Friday, November 7, 2014
Math is every where-apple picking
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Risk taking-Freedom to experiment
3 years and 1 month
When I saw him I did not get excited . I allowed him to sit for a few minutes . He began dancing ,as you can see the chair is close to the edge. I walked over and explained to him that is dangerous to dance on the chair because he will fall over and he could hurt himself.He listened then he repeated a part of what I say "NaNa get hurt" . I agreed and then he decided to allow me to take him down.He is learning to cooperate and explaining what will happen next is critical in the developmental process. These are also negotiation skills you are teaching .
Toddles love to explore . This is STEM
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Science- during the years 0-3 years old
Monday, November 3, 2014
Experience -the key ingredient in brain development
On Wednesday October 24th ,2014 Ajani had his first apple picking experience. It began to rain shortly after he picked a few apples. It was fun for him. He had a pig smile Na Na I pick apple. Yes you picked an apple ,extending his language skills.It is important to give the developing brain a number of experiences because that is the key ingredient when it comes on to building brain.
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Scientist -the toddler
Toddlers love to try and figure out how things work. You should provide them with items that they can apart and it will be ok . Items that you will not be upset if you toddler takes it apart or break it s we like to say. This is where stem begins . Just think about it scientist and infants/toddlers a similar because they are always curious about how things work and why they work and what makes them work. Babies are born natural scientist but many times the caregiver erase that sense of inquiry form the young infants/toddlers by using the following "No don't touch" I do not want you to break up my stuff, Look you ripped the book.
You must provide an environment that is infant/toddler friendly where infants/toddlers can freely explore and will not hear word like "No and don't touch". The infant/toddler must have a variety of items at eye level that allows her to make choices . When she turns three you can then begin to set limits through guidance. Guidance teaches self regulation and self-discipline .
You must provide an environment that is infant/toddler friendly where infants/toddlers can freely explore and will not hear word like "No and don't touch". The infant/toddler must have a variety of items at eye level that allows her to make choices . When she turns three you can then begin to set limits through guidance. Guidance teaches self regulation and self-discipline .
Noise - and the growing brain
October 31,2014
7:00 pm
Age 3.1yrs
I took Ajani to his first Halloween event . We went to one in the afternoon . We marched in a parade then came back to the clinic and children got their basket of goodies there was no music.We left and headed to our second event .We got there a little early . When we got inside Ajani was fine until a scary mask showed up. He was scared . I tried to assure him that he would be fine. He decided that sitting on the floor behind the chair would be better for him. At first I tried to have him get back on the chair then I thought ,he is not screaming anymore so why stress him. He was fine until the music came on . It was very loud he began to scream too loud ,too loud . He then put his pointers in his ears. He did that until the live performances began . He got off the floor and kneed looking at the stage between two chairs. He was fine and then we left. He got a toy and a candy bag.
Ajani's got the invitation from his friend to attend.
Experience is the key ingredient when building a brain. You also have to be in tune with your young child . That was his experience with loud music before so it frightened him. I hope the next time that experience will not be as traumatic . When this happens you have to be supportive and understanding. I could have left but that would not be wise because he will experience loud music again. This is also a part of social skills.
October 31,2014
7:00 pm
Age 3.1yrs
I took Ajani to his first Halloween event . We went to one in the afternoon . We marched in a parade then came back to the clinic and children got their basket of goodies there was no music.We left and headed to our second event .We got there a little early . When we got inside Ajani was fine until a scary mask showed up. He was scared . I tried to assure him that he would be fine. He decided that sitting on the floor behind the chair would be better for him. At first I tried to have him get back on the chair then I thought ,he is not screaming anymore so why stress him. He was fine until the music came on . It was very loud he began to scream too loud ,too loud . He then put his pointers in his ears. He did that until the live performances began . He got off the floor and kneed looking at the stage between two chairs. He was fine and then we left. He got a toy and a candy bag.
Ajani's got the invitation from his friend to attend.
Experience is the key ingredient when building a brain. You also have to be in tune with your young child . That was his experience with loud music before so it frightened him. I hope the next time that experience will not be as traumatic . When this happens you have to be supportive and understanding. I could have left but that would not be wise because he will experience loud music again. This is also a part of social skills.
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Focus -attention span
Age 3.1
October 28,2014
8:33 am
Young children are usually moving, however they must be able to focus when they need to . Ajani requested to watch Doodle Pop one of his favorite shows it is about 30 minutes long . He will sit and watch the entire show paying attention to the details. If you call his name he will say "shee I am watching Doole Pop".
At times he will try to do some of the dance moves .
He is able to focus . That is called self regulation a part of social/emotional development. Young children need these skills and it is best when they are doing n activity the they choose and it requires sitting and focusing. he
October 28,2014
8:33 am
Young children are usually moving, however they must be able to focus when they need to . Ajani requested to watch Doodle Pop one of his favorite shows it is about 30 minutes long . He will sit and watch the entire show paying attention to the details. If you call his name he will say "shee I am watching Doole Pop".
At times he will try to do some of the dance moves .
He is able to focus . That is called self regulation a part of social/emotional development. Young children need these skills and it is best when they are doing n activity the they choose and it requires sitting and focusing. he
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