15 mos
You should begin to ween your baby from her bottle. She should be able to drink from her sip cup,from a straw and a regular cup with your help. You should now introduce her to the idea of feeding her self from a regular cup. You should purchase a small cup (3. ounces) you will give your baby one ounce of liquid in the cup. She does not understand quantity if you give her too munch liquid she will try to drink it all at once and it will be all on her clothing. Giving her a little allows her to practice . She will spill it but it will not be as frightening for her. You are building your baby's self- confidence therefore you need to give her activities that she will be able to accomplish.Always remember to celebrate when she drinks from her cup each time, by saying wow you did a wonderful job feeding your self.

Sharing information and advice on the most critical time... The first 2000 Days. What are some things you can look out for and some activities you can do with infants/toddlers to get them through the various developmental milestones before they get to school. Also I will share information for the caregivers from age appropriate books to setting up classrooms.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Potty training
15 months
Now your little one is learning to control his body function. He is 15mos and now sleeps through the night without bring wet. Now is the time to introduce him to the potty. You should let him observe you using the potty. Purchase a small potty and keep in the bathroom and when you are using the big potty allow him to sit on his. All these new discoveries takes time and patience therefore it is very important for you to introduce the process early. Your infant/toddler will move at his own pace during the developmental stages,however if you do not introduce her to the next step she will not be able to thrive.
You are your child's best teacher.
Now your little one is learning to control his body function. He is 15mos and now sleeps through the night without bring wet. Now is the time to introduce him to the potty. You should let him observe you using the potty. Purchase a small potty and keep in the bathroom and when you are using the big potty allow him to sit on his. All these new discoveries takes time and patience therefore it is very important for you to introduce the process early. Your infant/toddler will move at his own pace during the developmental stages,however if you do not introduce her to the next step she will not be able to thrive.
You are your child's best teacher.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Happy holidays
Did your baby get some great age appropriate books and developmental toys for the holidays?
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Allow your child to explore
Your baby should be able to have a safe area to explore. Your baby is a scientist always trying to discover something new. If they have a toy in their hand and you want to carry them to another area, don't take the toy from them allow them to carry it with them. You have no idea what "thought" you are interrupting when you break them away from the exploration. If you insist on taking the toy away you could say something like, "oh sweetheart you have a red spoon. Let's put it down and go over..."
You may think your little one isn't processing what's going on but she is and be mindful of that when selecting your words and actions. The brain is always developing even though your little does articulate coherent words.
Sabree Education Services would like to wish you and your family a happy and safe holiday.
You may think your little one isn't processing what's going on but she is and be mindful of that when selecting your words and actions. The brain is always developing even though your little does articulate coherent words.
Sabree Education Services would like to wish you and your family a happy and safe holiday.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Books-- Skills it will teach
Books are very important it helps with a number of skills for your infants/toddlers.
Here are just a few ways that books help:
Language development
Listening skills
Develop a love for reading
You should purchase board books for your infants/toddlers. The books should also have large print and few words, children's attention span is limited and you want to teach your child how to focus and pay attention. It's a gradual process.
These books can be a little expensive but you can find great books at the thrift store. We need to recycle anyway so why not. So many trees are already cut down.
Here are just a few ways that books help:
Language development
Listening skills
Develop a love for reading
You should purchase board books for your infants/toddlers. The books should also have large print and few words, children's attention span is limited and you want to teach your child how to focus and pay attention. It's a gradual process.
These books can be a little expensive but you can find great books at the thrift store. We need to recycle anyway so why not. So many trees are already cut down.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
You should begin to name the body parts when you give your baby a bath. You should start by saying John we are going to wash your hand now. I think that you should start with the obvious . I know that you are an expert I am just adding to what you are doing.Most parents do not tell their children the names of their "private parts" I do not understand why when it is a part of their body. you need to tell your child the correct names ,penis and vagina. You child should be able to name his body parts when he is three years old.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Toys-building self-esteem
It is very important to purchase developmental toys for your infants and toddlers. They need interactive toys. They need toys that they will use to develop their finger muscles and their wrist control. These skills are need for writing. give your baby a wipe and allow him to pretend he is wiping up a spill. This helps to develop his wrist control and his finger muscles . He is also modeling you.You should also provide your baby with a few empty containers with their covers observer him go to work. You should start with two items. You do not want to frustrate your baby. The objective it to have your baby develop self-confidence . You must give activities that he will be able to accomplish and as he masters the activity you introduce something else . Remember to celebrate when he accomplishes the activity.Muscles will not developed if they are not used then your son will need occupational therapy.
You should also introduce finger painting to your baby at 14 mos.
You should also introduce finger painting to your baby at 14 mos.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Interacting with your baby
It is very important that you interact with your baby. Yesterday(12/16) I was at the doctor's office . There were families there with their babies and young children. The babies were restless and the young children were also . The mothers kept yelling at the children" sit down". The babies were crying.
When you go out out your home remember to take a toy for your infant/toddler along with a few books. It is ok for you to put the baby on the floor and allow her to move around. It is very difficult for infants and toddlers to stay still. Remember they have just discovered that they can move around and that is their focus.
When you go out out your home remember to take a toy for your infant/toddler along with a few books. It is ok for you to put the baby on the floor and allow her to move around. It is very difficult for infants and toddlers to stay still. Remember they have just discovered that they can move around and that is their focus.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
language development
You should speak with your baby in whole language not baby talk. Remember that the brain is developing and communication is very important. Speak with your infant/ toddler as if you are speaking with any of the family members.Also do not allow your infant/toddler to keep a pacifier in his mount all the time.Do not have your infant/toddler watching a lot of T.V .
This will delay his speech . Young children need human interaction in order to develop.
This will delay his speech . Young children need human interaction in order to develop.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Play is very important. You should teach your infant/toddler how to play. Young children love to play the chasing game . You can also play peek-a-bo and observer that big smile on their face.They love to be tickled ,scratching their foot bottom,telling them a secret is also fun for infants and toddlers.You want to have a happy baby who loves to laugh.You want your baby to see the world as a happy and your are their mirror.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Sensory activities
Pre writing skills
You can introduce finger painting to your baby you can start this at around 14 months.As your baby gets a little older you can introduce brush painting. These activities are very help full for pre- writing . Finger painting helps with a number of things,it helps wrist control,develop finger muscles,and a number of other things.Brush painting also helps to prepare children for writing,it is very relaxing and children will be able to admire their master piece. This is a great way to introduce the colors also.Children learn many skills form one activity. As the brain is constantly developing.When you purchase paint you should purchase the primary colors ,red,blue,yellow. Young children loves to paint.It is great to give your infant/toddler these experiences at home.
You can introduce finger painting to your baby you can start this at around 14 months.As your baby gets a little older you can introduce brush painting. These activities are very help full for pre- writing . Finger painting helps with a number of things,it helps wrist control,develop finger muscles,and a number of other things.Brush painting also helps to prepare children for writing,it is very relaxing and children will be able to admire their master piece. This is a great way to introduce the colors also.Children learn many skills form one activity. As the brain is constantly developing.When you purchase paint you should purchase the primary colors ,red,blue,yellow. Young children loves to paint.It is great to give your infant/toddler these experiences at home.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Being in tune with your child's cues
Yesterday I was went out for lunch when I got there there were two women with two young children . They were eating at the time. When they got finish the children were ready to go ,however the adults were not reading the cues . They both sat there talking as the children expressed their frustration by trying to climb on the furniture,going under the tables etc. The ladies kept picking them up and tying to keep them sitting still on their laps. Forty five minutes later they were still there. As a care give you must be in tune with your baby and this will allow you to read her cues. The whole idea is to make your baby enjoy their infant/toddler developmental stage. The next time that you are our with your infant/toddler read his cues.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Age approriate behavior
As care giver it is very important to understand that young children are not able to sit still for a long time. The have just discovered that they can move around and explore their surroundings. When you are our with your little ones remember to back a favorite toy,a book etc. Your little one is learning how to self regulate and it takes time.When expect behaviors from a young child that is not age appropriate it becomes frustrating for both of you. You want your baby to have a sense of accomplishment there you should require behaviors that are age appropriate.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Use of books
Your toddler should have learned how to care for books because she had had lots of experience with books.She should be able to decide what is her favorite book.She should request that you read it with her.
Cognitive Development
Listening skills -
Remember that you are preparing your baby for life and school listening skill is very important.Here are a few ideas to help develop your baby's listening skills:
Begin by giving your baby one directive - provide a container that the baby can put items in and observe her as she add them in you can say "Sara wow you just put doll in the box". As time going on when it is time to clean up you will say to her now let us put the doll in the box.One she gets the concept you can give a directive,Sara can you please put your doll in the box.
You are also giving her language skills.
Remember that you are preparing your baby for life and school listening skill is very important.Here are a few ideas to help develop your baby's listening skills:
- Read to your baby while you are pregnant
- Play soft music for your baby while you are pregnant
- Read to you baby each day read short books
- Play different type of music for your baby
- Provide a variety of board books for your baby put them in a bin on the floor
- Play hand games with your baby eg- Patty Cake,Head and Shoulders, etc.
Begin by giving your baby one directive - provide a container that the baby can put items in and observe her as she add them in you can say "Sara wow you just put doll in the box". As time going on when it is time to clean up you will say to her now let us put the doll in the box.One she gets the concept you can give a directive,Sara can you please put your doll in the box.
You are also giving her language skills.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
People usually complain that children have a shot attention span.I have observed my grand son engaged in an activity for more than 10 minutes. When children are interested in what they are doing they will stay engaged.you should also provide interesting activities for them.
Give your baby tummy time
Here are some things that you can do at home. You can start these activities at three months
You can pot some dry beans in a small plastic bottle and give to you baby she will enjoy shaking it.
Provide a pot cover and a spoon and watch make music
Provide a couple empty bottles and tops for her to play with. When you give your play items they should be big as this is called the oral stage where every thing goes in their mouth.When it is big they will not be able to swallow it. You should also clean the items .
You can also provide an empty box for your baby and observe how excited she gets as she explores the box.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Approaches to learning
birth -18mos
You should take your baby to different places that will allow her to experience new places.Your baby should be exposed to different adults that will give her the opportunity to interact with different people.
Your baby should begin to show interest in self-help skills ,eg help to take his shirt off,want to clean up a spill . You should give your baby the chance to do these things. This is the root of independence and self-esteem.Take your child to play with other children also this will practice her to share with children outside the family.
When given a new item your child will explore it for a while. our child should be observing when a new item is in the home and will explore it on his own.He should want to dress himself. At times parents are always in a rush and neglect the initiatives that infants and toddlers are making. Children need time to practice with repetition and guidance.Please get up on time this way you can give the baby a chance to help with out you rushing.
At this stage your toddler should be asking others to join her in play. She needs practice with that because if you did not give her the language she will not be able to. Your child should be able to express her needs clearly.
Each child develops at a different pace however,children must be given the opportunity to take the initiative.
Have you observed your baby taking initiatives?
birth -18mos
You should take your baby to different places that will allow her to experience new places.Your baby should be exposed to different adults that will give her the opportunity to interact with different people.
Your baby should begin to show interest in self-help skills ,eg help to take his shirt off,want to clean up a spill . You should give your baby the chance to do these things. This is the root of independence and self-esteem.Take your child to play with other children also this will practice her to share with children outside the family.
When given a new item your child will explore it for a while. our child should be observing when a new item is in the home and will explore it on his own.He should want to dress himself. At times parents are always in a rush and neglect the initiatives that infants and toddlers are making. Children need time to practice with repetition and guidance.Please get up on time this way you can give the baby a chance to help with out you rushing.
At this stage your toddler should be asking others to join her in play. She needs practice with that because if you did not give her the language she will not be able to. Your child should be able to express her needs clearly.
Each child develops at a different pace however,children must be given the opportunity to take the initiative.
Have you observed your baby taking initiatives?
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Discoveries in infancy
This is also referred to as cognitive development and learning
Infants are born wanting to learn however they must be given the opportunity to learn through discoveries.
Here are some things that you can do at home:
Your child should be asking simple why questions. You should answer the ones that you can and don't be afraid to say I do not know but I will find out and let you know.When you spend time with your child ask about his day.Engage in conversation with your child.
You should also allow your child to take risk this builds self confidence. You should there to support your child for example- you child may climb on the chair in order to get to an item that is on the table don't rush over and prevent the child from his plan be supportive .
Your child should be asking for information for example - what is that ?She should be investigating and experimenting with materials. Children must be given the opportunity to develop these skills . Encourage your child to ask open ended questions and you should also play questions .
Please try a few of these and let us know you observations?
This is also referred to as cognitive development and learning
Infants are born wanting to learn however they must be given the opportunity to learn through discoveries.
Here are some things that you can do at home:
- You can put some dry beans in a small bottle and give it to your six month old. Observe how she uses it. Do not tell her how you think it should be used.You should also give her interactive toys that are developmental.You should allow your baby to discover and explore the new item/s.
- Your baby should be reacting to new people or sounds.
- Your baby should show interest and curiosity in learning new things. Your baby must be given the opportunity to do these things. You should allow you baby to discover with our interruptions. It is important for you to create a safe space.
- Give your child a large empty plastic bottle the she can put items in provide her with items for example bottle tops small toys and observer her
- Did you know that at this stage your baby is discovering distance ?
Your child should be asking simple why questions. You should answer the ones that you can and don't be afraid to say I do not know but I will find out and let you know.When you spend time with your child ask about his day.Engage in conversation with your child.
You should also allow your child to take risk this builds self confidence. You should there to support your child for example- you child may climb on the chair in order to get to an item that is on the table don't rush over and prevent the child from his plan be supportive .
Your child should be asking for information for example - what is that ?She should be investigating and experimenting with materials. Children must be given the opportunity to develop these skills . Encourage your child to ask open ended questions and you should also play questions .
Please try a few of these and let us know you observations?
Monday, December 10, 2012
Social Emotional Development
Self-control-Feelings and impulses
birth-18 mos
Your child should be able to stop crying when she is comforted ,especially when held gently. Here is an example : you should hug your baby a lot and be gentle with your baby.You should provide your baby with a comforting item,her favorite teddy,blanket or book etc.
Name emotions when you are talking with your toddler , eg happy,sad,tired,scared.Help your toddler too calm down. You should be patient when teaching your toddler how to control her impulses.You should also read books with your toddler that discuss emotions. You should talk with your child about emotions.
During this stage of development your toddler will be expressing strong emotions and it should be appropriate as you have given her positive guidance from birth. Your child should be able to explain that "I am upset and do not want to play at the moment". You should also provide support if your child is having a challenge regulating his emotions. This is a skill that takes time to accomplish.Once the child is calm you can then discuss the behavior.
birth-18 mos
Your child should be able to stop crying when she is comforted ,especially when held gently. Here is an example : you should hug your baby a lot and be gentle with your baby.You should provide your baby with a comforting item,her favorite teddy,blanket or book etc.
Name emotions when you are talking with your toddler , eg happy,sad,tired,scared.Help your toddler too calm down. You should be patient when teaching your toddler how to control her impulses.You should also read books with your toddler that discuss emotions. You should talk with your child about emotions.
During this stage of development your toddler will be expressing strong emotions and it should be appropriate as you have given her positive guidance from birth. Your child should be able to explain that "I am upset and do not want to play at the moment". You should also provide support if your child is having a challenge regulating his emotions. This is a skill that takes time to accomplish.Once the child is calm you can then discuss the behavior.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Your baby should be learning that his needs will be met and will not need to throw a tantrum to get what she wants.He should be able to calm him self down.
Your baby should be learning that his needs will be met and will not need to throw a tantrum to get what she wants.He should be able to calm him self down.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Social skills-
Cleaning up-he is 14mos
My daughter has been singing the clean up song with to her son while she put his toys away and his books. Tonight a book was on the floor and he picked it up and put it in the container with the other books . "Good job Ajani ", he had a big smile on his face and he began to clap.
His mom has been singing the clean up song while she have him help her to clean up. Children learn through experience, repetition and patience.
My daughter has been singing the clean up song with to her son while she put his toys away and his books. Tonight a book was on the floor and he picked it up and put it in the container with the other books . "Good job Ajani ", he had a big smile on his face and he began to clap.
His mom has been singing the clean up song while she have him help her to clean up. Children learn through experience, repetition and patience.
birth-18 mos
Your child will begin showing self-concept in many ways . I will discuss a few ways that she will indicate that she is working on this skill.
She will show preference at to who she wants to stay with. For example if her dad is home she will but her hands up indicating that she wants to be picked up by him or by another care giver. Infants and toddlers begin making decisions very early.You should cuddle your infant /toddler and be responsive to his needs. This helps to build trust and helps with attachment. You should also use your child's name when you are referring to her.Your child will begin to help you when he is getting dressed.
We welcome your comments.
Your child will begin showing self-concept in many ways . I will discuss a few ways that she will indicate that she is working on this skill.
She will show preference at to who she wants to stay with. For example if her dad is home she will but her hands up indicating that she wants to be picked up by him or by another care giver. Infants and toddlers begin making decisions very early.You should cuddle your infant /toddler and be responsive to his needs. This helps to build trust and helps with attachment. You should also use your child's name when you are referring to her.Your child will begin to help you when he is getting dressed.
We welcome your comments.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Self Concept-abilities and preferences
You should have a variety of books and developmental toys for your infants/toddlers this will allow her to make choices as to the ones that she prefers. Observe and you will notice that she will play with some items more than others.Your infant should have access to them this means that they should be on the floor.You should also acknowledge your child's action (eg. you can clap and say yeaa you did it,you put the top in the box). You will observe a big smile on your infant/toddler face.
You should have a variety of books and developmental toys for your infants/toddlers this will allow her to make choices as to the ones that she prefers. Observe and you will notice that she will play with some items more than others.Your infant should have access to them this means that they should be on the floor.You should also acknowledge your child's action (eg. you can clap and say yeaa you did it,you put the top in the box). You will observe a big smile on your infant/toddler face.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Adaptive Social Behavior in -Diverse settings
We need to help our infants and toddlers to to function in diverse settings. Last week my friend invited my to an event in the city. She did not inform me that we may be the only person of color there. We arrived and half way through the event it clicked. This is not unusual . I am on committees where I am the only person of color. As people come in I would introduce my self and some people were open to conversation while others had a question on their face. I introduced my self to this one lady and she responded" O I did not know that you are a part of the group, how did you know about the event"? . She is so accustomed to be just with her group that she questioned my being there. We really need to help our infants/toddlers to function in diverse settings as you are growing them to live in the world.You do not want them to form their perception of others just from what they see on the T.V.
Children need to have these skills before they get to kindergarten.
This is a skill that many adults struggle with.What are your thoughts?
We need to help our infants and toddlers to to function in diverse settings. Last week my friend invited my to an event in the city. She did not inform me that we may be the only person of color there. We arrived and half way through the event it clicked. This is not unusual . I am on committees where I am the only person of color. As people come in I would introduce my self and some people were open to conversation while others had a question on their face. I introduced my self to this one lady and she responded" O I did not know that you are a part of the group, how did you know about the event"? . She is so accustomed to be just with her group that she questioned my being there. We really need to help our infants/toddlers to function in diverse settings as you are growing them to live in the world.You do not want them to form their perception of others just from what they see on the T.V.
Children need to have these skills before they get to kindergarten.
This is a skill that many adults struggle with.What are your thoughts?
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Adoptive Social behavior-Group Activities
This is a very important skill that young children need to have. We live in a very diverse city however at times you would not believe it. Yesterday My daughter and I took her 14 month old son to an open house. There were about 70 children there from infants to about 5 years old. We were the only people of color there . That is not unusual for us but it seams uncomfortable for many of the parents. I observed many parents moved their children to another activity once my grandson got close to their baby/child. Not one of them said "John" I think this baby wants to play with you.I am sure that behavior is so normal for the parent that they do not see it as a problem. At one point my grandson was in the container of balls with a few other children. One child just went over and attacked him. His father was there and pulled him out. He did not say to the child "that is not how you play you have to be gently"He should have allowed the child to play but with more supervision. When you remove children from conflicts that does not teach them how to solve it and move on.
I think the child attacked my grandson because he may have not seen a child that looks different from him before? or he may need an evaluation because he is impulsive,developing a personality dis-order.
What are your thoughts?
This is a very important skill that young children need to have. We live in a very diverse city however at times you would not believe it. Yesterday My daughter and I took her 14 month old son to an open house. There were about 70 children there from infants to about 5 years old. We were the only people of color there . That is not unusual for us but it seams uncomfortable for many of the parents. I observed many parents moved their children to another activity once my grandson got close to their baby/child. Not one of them said "John" I think this baby wants to play with you.I am sure that behavior is so normal for the parent that they do not see it as a problem. At one point my grandson was in the container of balls with a few other children. One child just went over and attacked him. His father was there and pulled him out. He did not say to the child "that is not how you play you have to be gently"He should have allowed the child to play but with more supervision. When you remove children from conflicts that does not teach them how to solve it and move on.
I think the child attacked my grandson because he may have not seen a child that looks different from him before? or he may need an evaluation because he is impulsive,developing a personality dis-order.
What are your thoughts?
Monday, December 3, 2012
Example of language development
Understanding your child's cues
Ajani is 14 months now, he says a few words. Even though he doesn't articulate many words he is able to identify his needs by pointing; I'm in tune with his cues. For example he may want to drink from a cup I'm drinking from, he will indicate with sound or pointing to the cup and I then know he wants some of what I'm drinking. When he wants to listen to his children's music he will walk over to the stereo and point to it. Many people think a child is not comprehending what they are being taught simply because they can not speak; however they are. Remember their brain is still developing and that is why it's important to speak with them in your language, not baby babble/gibberish.
The most effective communication is wordless also known as non verbal communication; as adults we use it and once we pay attention to it we can learn a great deal.
Daseta's daughter
Ajani's mom
Ajani is 14 months now, he says a few words. Even though he doesn't articulate many words he is able to identify his needs by pointing; I'm in tune with his cues. For example he may want to drink from a cup I'm drinking from, he will indicate with sound or pointing to the cup and I then know he wants some of what I'm drinking. When he wants to listen to his children's music he will walk over to the stereo and point to it. Many people think a child is not comprehending what they are being taught simply because they can not speak; however they are. Remember their brain is still developing and that is why it's important to speak with them in your language, not baby babble/gibberish.
The most effective communication is wordless also known as non verbal communication; as adults we use it and once we pay attention to it we can learn a great deal.
Daseta's daughter
Ajani's mom
Sunday, December 2, 2012
An example of guidance
Guidance vs. Discipline: guidance, focusing on the behavior you want the child to learn in using a positive approach
When Ajani was between 8 and 10 months old he would throw down his bottle when he finished drinking. I began to tell him not to throw it. My mother and sister would tell him the same, that brings about consistency.
At 11 months old he started to hold his bottle and wait for one of us to take it from him. If we are not in his immediate view or we don't notice he's done with the bottle he makes a sound to indicate he's finished rather than throwing the bottle down. I would walk over to him, take the bottle and say thank you.
Daseta's Daughter
When Ajani was between 8 and 10 months old he would throw down his bottle when he finished drinking. I began to tell him not to throw it. My mother and sister would tell him the same, that brings about consistency.
At 11 months old he started to hold his bottle and wait for one of us to take it from him. If we are not in his immediate view or we don't notice he's done with the bottle he makes a sound to indicate he's finished rather than throwing the bottle down. I would walk over to him, take the bottle and say thank you.
Daseta's Daughter
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Adapative Social behavior
Empathy- 14mos
Your baby is now 14 months you should provide a mirror that will allow your baby to see emotions on the face. You should being discussing emotions with your baby. At this stage your baby likes, to bite and when she bites you, you need to explain to her that biting hurts and it will make you sad. Pretend to cry and observe your baby's reaction.
Last week my grandson bit his mother and she pretend that she was crying and he began to cry.I noticed that his mom has not complained that he has bitten her since. He has learned that biting hurt and he felt her pain.(empathy)
Older children that constantly bite their peers did not learn empathy during their infant toddler years. This is a part of social emotional development.It you have an only child it is good to get the child a pet.
Your baby is now 14 months you should provide a mirror that will allow your baby to see emotions on the face. You should being discussing emotions with your baby. At this stage your baby likes, to bite and when she bites you, you need to explain to her that biting hurts and it will make you sad. Pretend to cry and observe your baby's reaction.
Last week my grandson bit his mother and she pretend that she was crying and he began to cry.I noticed that his mom has not complained that he has bitten her since. He has learned that biting hurt and he felt her pain.(empathy)
Older children that constantly bite their peers did not learn empathy during their infant toddler years. This is a part of social emotional development.It you have an only child it is good to get the child a pet.
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