Sharing information and advice on the most critical time... The first 2000 Days. What are some things you can look out for and some activities you can do with infants/toddlers to get them through the various developmental milestones before they get to school. Also I will share information for the caregivers from age appropriate books to setting up classrooms.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
What are some things that you can do to begin to develop self-confidence in your infant and toddlers?
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
First 2000 days---Brain development-books
How early do you think you should start reading to your baby and why?
Monday, October 29, 2012
Observation-Brain Development
This morning I was spinning(twirling) as my 13month old observed me. Just this minute I looked and he was spinning. This morning while I was spinning he did not attempt to copy the behavior.It is amazing how the brain works. Once it is exposed to a stimuli it does not for get it.
The First 2000 days--building self-confidence
Physical development
It is very important to build self-confidence in your infant and toddler. You should start by allowing your baby to feel that she can do things for herself. Once your baby comes home you should give her tummy time each day, putting the infant on her stomach for a few minutes while you supervise.However,infant under six months old must sleep on their backs .
Remember that young children learn from repetition and will take a few months for your infant to grasp some skills. Once your baby is able to hold up her head she will begin to feel that "I can do things". The root of self-confidence begins.
It is very important to build self-confidence in your infant and toddler. You should start by allowing your baby to feel that she can do things for herself. Once your baby comes home you should give her tummy time each day, putting the infant on her stomach for a few minutes while you supervise.However,infant under six months old must sleep on their backs .
Remember that young children learn from repetition and will take a few months for your infant to grasp some skills. Once your baby is able to hold up her head she will begin to feel that "I can do things". The root of self-confidence begins.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
First 2000 days- Brain development-Books
People usually ask me what kind of books should I purchase for my baby? I usually tell them that the books must be age appropriate. The books should have few words and it should be a short story.You should buy board books for infants and toddlers,books that they cannot rip easily. When your baby begins to crawl you should have some books on the floor in a bin that is the baby can reach.You should have books that you read to the baby that can be soft covers.You can purchase cloth and plastic books. Infants and toddlers love to explore and in doing so they love to rip paper I think they like the sound that the paper makes.
Here are a few read aloud that you should have:
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Luura J.Numeroff
Babies On The Move by Susan Canizares
A Rain Bow All Around Me by Sandra L.Pinkney
Click Clock Moo Cows That Type by Doreen Cronin
Brown Bear ,Brown Bear What Do You See by Bill Martin Jr
Sometimes I'm Bombaloo by Rachel Vail
When Sophie Gets Really Really Angry by Molly Bang
Nino'o Mask by Jeanette Winter
There is a Big Beautiful Word Out There by Nancy Carlson
Dr. Suess collection is great also.
Chicka,Chicka Boom Boom
Many of these books are made in board books also.
I will add books each week.
If you are living in Harlem there is a great children's book store at 112 and Broadway and 122nd close to Lenox.
Here are a few read aloud that you should have:
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Luura J.Numeroff
Babies On The Move by Susan Canizares
A Rain Bow All Around Me by Sandra L.Pinkney
Click Clock Moo Cows That Type by Doreen Cronin
Brown Bear ,Brown Bear What Do You See by Bill Martin Jr
Sometimes I'm Bombaloo by Rachel Vail
When Sophie Gets Really Really Angry by Molly Bang
Nino'o Mask by Jeanette Winter
There is a Big Beautiful Word Out There by Nancy Carlson
Dr. Suess collection is great also.
Chicka,Chicka Boom Boom
Many of these books are made in board books also.
I will add books each week.
If you are living in Harlem there is a great children's book store at 112 and Broadway and 122nd close to Lenox.
The first 2000 days--Allow development
Development is a natural process, however if your infant is not given the opportunity the stages of development will not happen remember that you facilitating brain development.Your baby must sleep on her back but each day you will need to give her tummy time. The first time she may just lay on her stomach but as time goes on she will begin to hold up her head because her brain told her to. The next time she will begin sliding backwards. If you do not give her these opportunity she will not be able to figure things out.Your baby begins to problem solve at an early age.
I would like to here your comments.
I would like to here your comments.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
The first 2000 days----facilitating brain development
You should purchase developmental toys for your infant. Toys that will develop fine motor skills for example : toys your that your baby have to push with her fingers,grab and pull,has areas to open and shut.Toys that are interactive,baby can respond to the toy,toys that your baby needs to push for it to light up. You want your baby to begin to develop critical thinking.
Monday, October 22, 2012
First 2000 Days---Brain development: Nuturing
You should nurture the brain. Some babies can develop Neuro- developmental disorders
Many disorders are observable during the infant toddler years.It is good for you to learn how to observer your infant . As a care giver you will be the first to notice. If you notice something that you are not sure of you should speak to your child's doctor or another parent. If you notice that:
Many disorders are observable during the infant toddler years.It is good for you to learn how to observer your infant . As a care giver you will be the first to notice. If you notice something that you are not sure of you should speak to your child's doctor or another parent. If you notice that:
- Your child socially isolate herself
- Does not have eye contact
- Has no empathy
- Has poor language capacity
- Is not sensitive to social surroundings
- Frequency of extreme aversion to certain,stimuli, sounds,temperature and lights etc.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
First 2000 days--Brain development: Interaction
Last week I went to a doctor with my 1year old grandson . As I waited I observed most of the parents with their infants and there was little interaction. Many parents were on their phone while their infants stare into space. My daughter usually takes a book or an interactive toy that is developmentally appropriate for the baby. Your baby's brain develops the most during birth to age three and should be engaged at all times.This week we will discuss brain development. All babies are born equal (knowing nothing) however , what you do or do not do makes a big difference in how the brain will develop.Your baby's brain size is 25% and by age five it is 90% in growth. These years are very critical in shaping the foundation for life.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
First 2000 days---Literacy: Print awareness
Print Awareness
You should begin to let your infant/toddler become aware of print. You can begin by pointing out print to your infant/toddler. You can point out letters when you are reading to your infant/toddler. there are many print at home that you can point out. You can use the letters on the formula,the coconut old bottle etc.
You should begin to let your infant/toddler become aware of print. You can begin by pointing out print to your infant/toddler. You can point out letters when you are reading to your infant/toddler. there are many print at home that you can point out. You can use the letters on the formula,the coconut old bottle etc.
Friday, October 19, 2012
First 2000 days----Literacy
Interest in books
Your four month old infant should begin to pay attention to the pages of a book when you are reading to her.At six month she will begin to turn the pages . When your infant gets to age three she will have developed respect and love for books. Many children get to pre school and lacks these experience and this causes them to fall them to fall behind.Your infant is new to the world and it takes time for them to acquire new skills. Repetition is how young children learn.
Your four month old infant should begin to pay attention to the pages of a book when you are reading to her.At six month she will begin to turn the pages . When your infant gets to age three she will have developed respect and love for books. Many children get to pre school and lacks these experience and this causes them to fall them to fall behind.Your infant is new to the world and it takes time for them to acquire new skills. Repetition is how young children learn.
First 2000 days-Listening skills
Listening skills is a very important skill that is need in order for learning a child to be success in school and the world. Playing music for your baby the minute she gets home from the hospital is very important. Music also helps the brain to develop. You should play children's music for the your baby as the baby however,you should also introduce a variety of music to the baby.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
first 200 days--Literacy
Age appropriate books
It is important that you purchase books that are age appropriate for your infant and toddlers. You should have a bin on the floor that your infant/toddler can have access to. You should purchase board books . These books can take the ware and tare that infants and toddlers offer. The soft cover books are for you to read also get a variety of books for your infant and toddler. Get books that teachers concepts suck an in and out ,colors etc. It is important to have multicultural books also.
It is important that you purchase books that are age appropriate for your infant and toddlers. You should have a bin on the floor that your infant/toddler can have access to. You should purchase board books . These books can take the ware and tare that infants and toddlers offer. The soft cover books are for you to read also get a variety of books for your infant and toddler. Get books that teachers concepts suck an in and out ,colors etc. It is important to have multicultural books also.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
First 2000 days--Social emotional development
You should help infant/toddlers learn about intemacy
It is important for you to be gentle/loving with your baby. Don't say "you mean I have to change you again". You will let the bay begin feeling that she has done something wrong. Instead you may want to say" I know that you are uncomfortable in this soiled diaper let's get a clean one". The baby is developing relationships and that is how they thrive. It is very important that babies have continuity of care,this means having the same baby sitter,the same nanny, the same childcare provider.If you baby is at a daycare center that changes staff monthly that is not a good setting for your baby. You should also observe how you and your child is welcomed in the mornings.It is very important for the care giver to learn ,the infants/toddler likes.dislikes, and fears. You are laying a foundation for like and how you react to the infant/toddler needs is very important.
Intemacey is the fourth gift that you must give your infant/toddler.
It is important for you to be gentle/loving with your baby. Don't say "you mean I have to change you again". You will let the bay begin feeling that she has done something wrong. Instead you may want to say" I know that you are uncomfortable in this soiled diaper let's get a clean one". The baby is developing relationships and that is how they thrive. It is very important that babies have continuity of care,this means having the same baby sitter,the same nanny, the same childcare provider.If you baby is at a daycare center that changes staff monthly that is not a good setting for your baby. You should also observe how you and your child is welcomed in the mornings.It is very important for the care giver to learn ,the infants/toddler likes.dislikes, and fears. You are laying a foundation for like and how you react to the infant/toddler needs is very important.
Intemacey is the fourth gift that you must give your infant/toddler.
First 2000 days--Social Emotion growth
Have you observed how some care givers treat their young children so ruff,not gentle. You can clearly see that many mothers expresses their frustration by the way that they treat their children. You are teaching your children that is how the word is and that is how they should treat other children.The young child takes this behavior to his pre -school and makes it a part of his daily behavior.the roots of socialization begins with you and your child during the infant toddler years.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Friday, October 12, 2012
First 2000 days--Social Emotional Development
Infants and toddlers need to develop confidence and trust in adults.
The baby is now learning that his needs will be met so he has develop trust in the care giver . He is also developing a sense of confidence in others he now learns that his needs will be met and the world will respond.Now the baby begins to develop a positive sense of self and in so doing begins to trust the adults around her. Now she begins to understand what she can expect from people in the world.This is a third gift that you must give to your infant/toddler.
The baby is now learning that his needs will be met so he has develop trust in the care giver . He is also developing a sense of confidence in others he now learns that his needs will be met and the world will respond.Now the baby begins to develop a positive sense of self and in so doing begins to trust the adults around her. Now she begins to understand what she can expect from people in the world.This is a third gift that you must give to your infant/toddler.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
First 2000 days--Social Emotional Growth
Social competence:You should let young infants know that they can take care of their own needs on their own. When you responds to an infant cues and satisfy their need in a caring and loving way they are learning that they are competent in taking care of their needs. If you all ways do things for the baby she will not learn about his or her own competence. Here are two examples-if the baby is not hungry,not wet,not sick but is fussing you may want to change the position that baby is in if that soothe her , the next time she may want you to put her in that position again ;if the child is playing with a ball and it rolls away do not get if for the infant allow her to crawl over and get it.This gives the baby a feeling of competence. As the baby grows you should allow her competence to develop.
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Saturday, October 6, 2012
First 2000 days--introduction to music
Music is also good for young babies . Music helps your baby to develop their brain . You baby's brain is not wired so you need to do different activities with your baby that will help to wire her brains. It is just like wiring a house if you buy all the wires but do not connect them there will be no light in your house.You must help your baby to connect all the parts.
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