

Monday, December 30, 2019

Temperament -schiziod personality

There are different types of personality that people  develop and different temperament that babies are born with . Some babies  are hypersensitive and easily over stimulate . This kind of baby is born sensitive for example :she shrinks from too much light ,noise or motion  my have nerve ending close to the surface . Some new born  do like to be touched as if you are intruding on their space , while others liked to be cuddled. Maybe the babies that with draw may be prone to schiziod personality .
Though the cause of personality disorders isn't known, both genetics and environment are suspected to play a part in its development. Some mental health professionals speculate that a bleak childhood where warmth and emotion were absent contributes to the development of the disorder. A higher risk for schizoid personality disorder in families of schizophrenics suggests that there is genetic susceptibility to developing this disorder. 
Those with schizoid personality disorder do not have schizophrenia, but it is thought that many of the same risk factors in schizophrenia may cause schizoid personality disorder.