

Monday, November 14, 2016

Empathy-Here are some tips that will help

Empathy is a major skill that is needed in order for young children to grow up to become caring adults. I hope that you will share these tips with your friends:

Young children need to learn these skills during the first 2000 days what the brain  grows the most.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Mental health and how it impacts children-Join us for a conversation-Nov 15th

The NYC AEYC Leadership committee
invites you to
a discussion on different systems and ideology that impact mental health.

Share and exchange ideas to take a more holistic approach for ourselves and the families we work with.Please share with your network.


Evelyn Blanck, Board member, NYS Association of Infant Mental Health

Megan Madison, Facilitator, National Association for the Education of Young Children Diversity & Equity forum

Brett A. Scudder, President/Chairman ~ The Suicide Institute and NYC Suicide Council
Click to here to rsvp

Monday, November 7, 2016

Kindergarten- home work should not be the halmark for kindergarten

What is the purpose of kindergarten in the Urban setting ? Recently I shared  with a friend about the 26 pages of home work that my grandson brings home each Friday .She responded " well these inner city kids need that because they are not getting it at home". If many of them got to school behind it is obvious that they have not gotten any help " I said . The conversation ended .

I decided to ask the teacher why all this home work she explained that "kindergarten is the new first grade the district wants them to know all these things although half of the children are not able to identify all the alphabets ".
This is not practical because the children who are behind will be frustrated since they do not have the basics and now they are expected to do all this home work .It is obvious that they will not be getting the support at home since they came into kindergarten behind . 26 pages of homework is not the answer. Research clearly shows that homework in these early years is not beneficial:

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