December 29th,2015
Age 4.3mos
Gender boy
I am watching the news and they showed the damage that was done by a Tornado. NaNa what happened to the house ?? who smashed it ? The tornado . Tornado ? What is that ? I t is a form of weather that has a lot of wind . Really ? NaNa the construction worker can fix it right.
It is important that you build your young child's vocabulary and their cognitive skills this helps them with their meta-cognition. Communication skills are critical for life .

Sharing information and advice on the most critical time... The first 2000 Days. What are some things you can look out for and some activities you can do with infants/toddlers to get them through the various developmental milestones before they get to school. Also I will share information for the caregivers from age appropriate books to setting up classrooms.
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
their pre- writing skills
the ability to create freely ,
they learn their colors
it is a science these are a few of the skills they are learning while they are painting.
Friday, December 25, 2015
Reflection -taking initiative
You must allow opportunity for your child to be reflective . Here are a few things that you can begin with discuss the child's day and be specific , what story did you hear today,what centers did you play in and which friend did you play with today. Do not take over the conversation allow your child to drive the conversation and you listen ask open ended questions : Why do you think.... What was your favorite part of the story......These questions allow the child to do reflection on the experience and helps to build critical thinking skills.
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Creativity and inventiveness
You should allow your child to be creative try not to use the word no before the child is three years old . You are saying how do I do this ? You should make that space safe this allows the child to explore and explain behaviors that you want by explaining the reason why that behavior is inappropriate. Encourage young children to be creative and celebrate their creativity ,in thought also.
This is a creative activity using the pan as a hat . You should say wow I like your hat .Validating children is very important.
This is a creative activity using the pan as a hat . You should say wow I like your hat .Validating children is very important.
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Play is very important for young children . Play also helps them to focus when ever you are out you should take a book and a fer toys that will keep your child occupied and focus. If your child is young you can search for older post.We also have a radio program that you can listen to at Islandvoices.net 24/7 and you can also listen on your phone 401-283-6551. Please feel free to share with your friends.
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
It is important that you give the young child opportunities that will allow her to build her confident and she will be encouraged to take new opportunities for example :If you are doing laundry the child will volunteer to help,if you are cooking the child will ask can I help you. You should always say yes and give the child a job that they can manage.
In the laundry room you can have then put the coins in the machine and when the laundry is finish have then help to match the socks ,this is called sorting,one to one correspondence, they can also learn their colors, and learn how to focus, listening skills and following directions and bonding, among other skills . These activities builds the child's self-esteem and self- confidence.
In the laundry room you can have then put the coins in the machine and when the laundry is finish have then help to match the socks ,this is called sorting,one to one correspondence, they can also learn their colors, and learn how to focus, listening skills and following directions and bonding, among other skills . These activities builds the child's self-esteem and self- confidence.
Monday, December 21, 2015
Adapative social behavior- Group activities
It is very important for young children to be given social skills and different experiences will help the young child to develop social skills. Young children must learn adaptive social behavior in a group setting .Here this child is at a winter festival that was help in the projects and he is getting his face painted . Young children must be exposed to different spaces . Children begin to learn how to wait their turn on line ,they learn not to push and begin learn or putting in practice the rules they have been learning.
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Social skills-
When you take your baby or young children out you should take something to keep the child occupied : For example take a few books ,some toys and if you are driving have some children CD playing. Music is very good for young children it teachers a lot of skills that they need for school such as memory skills,active and passive listening skills,patterns,cultures ,geography and many more skills.
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Setting rules- Social Skills
Your four year old is in his ego stage his favorite words are ,mine,no and why getting him to cooperate is a challenge plus he may have a strong temperament, the child will insist on wanting to do things on her term.You have to be persistent when you say something you have to mean what you say and the child may begin to cry but you must insist that what you say you are going to stick with it.Cooperating with you at home is very important your child must respect you as an authority figure this will transfer to other adults and especially when your child gets to school. The ability to cooperate will make it easy for the child to transition to school,adhere to socially acceptable behaviors and in so doing makes it easy for the child within a classroom setting. The ability to co-operate and adapt to different environment is critical . Learning more about how the brain develops will help you along your parenting journey.
Friday, December 18, 2015
Approaches to learning
How your child approaches learning will depend on the experiences with learning and the stimulation of the brain that you have been doing with your child. You must have a variety of toys at home for the child . Interactive toys are very important they help your child to build their critical thinking skills,problem solving and they begin learning how to focus. Young children learn a lot of skills through play and learning begins at home through play. Things must be at eye level where the child can reach them when the thought pops in their brain. You can get more insights at this link.
Children should be given the freedom to play when they want to at home. Home is where that child should feel comfortable to take risk and should have support.
Children should be given the freedom to play when they want to at home. Home is where that child should feel comfortable to take risk and should have support.
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Science at home
Children love to do experiments all the time they will mix their food together just to test how it will taste.This morning I have Ajani his breakfast and he decided to pour his milk on his eggs and eat it . I asked him how does it taste and he said good. This is science so when your four year old mix their food just allow them to experiment . Children need to feel free to try new things.If the child makes a mess just have then clean it up .
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Male involvement in the early years
Years ago fathers were just seen as the bread winner ,however today's dads are more involved in the nurturing of their children and the research shows that it has a positive impact.You can find more details at this link.Fathers need to be involved even if they are not living with the child. If you both have a conflict remember that the child did not ask to be born both adults decided that and therefore you both need to work together for the best outcomes for the child.
You can also share our blog with your friends.It can be read in different languages.
You can also share our blog with your friends.It can be read in different languages.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Urban Kids Journeys Radio today 10:30am
Today Listen to Daseta
and Reeshemah on Urban Kids Journeys Radio 10:30 am - 11:30.
Listen via tune in http://tunein.com/radio/Empire-Radio-US-s225911/ ;
; via phone
401-283-6551 or 712-432-9576. Call in with questions IslandVoices.net 401-283-6551 (to connect to us, press 5 on your
phone) or 516-200-8480.
The holidays are coming and your little ones will be home and there are several activities that you can do with them during the break.You can look for free activities in your city or your town and take them. You can go to the museum,children's play,check our the decorations these activities allows you to spend quality time. Taking the train ,the bus or a car ride is also a good thing to do.
Have a great time and be safe.
Have a great time and be safe.
Appreciating Diversity
It is important for you to take your young child to different events that is outside your community this will allow the child to respect and appreciate diversity . We live in a global society and being intentional about things are very important.
Monday, December 14, 2015
Developmentally appriate gifts
We are in the holiday season and selecting the right toy is critical for development . As you select gifts it is important that you choose toys , DVDS and books that will help to develop skills that will help with the development of the young child . You should also encourage your friends to give education gifts . Birthdays is also a wonderful time to give educational gifts.
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Our radio program
Please check us out on Islandvoices.net You can also listen to us via you cell by calling 401-283-6551 we share information with families that are pregnant and have children 0-3 years and beyond .
We are looking for broadcasters that want to share information with their community . It is free to have a radio program all you need is a computer and information that you would like to share .If you would like to learn more about hosting your own radio program just send us an email @ sabreeeducationservices@gmail.com.
Please free to share this information with your friends.
We are looking for broadcasters that want to share information with their community . It is free to have a radio program all you need is a computer and information that you would like to share .If you would like to learn more about hosting your own radio program just send us an email @ sabreeeducationservices@gmail.com.
Please free to share this information with your friends.
Friday, December 4, 2015
Play is very important
Play is very important for young children . It is very important for young children to be exposed to different play experiences in different spaces.
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Urban Kids Journeys radio program -- child development today 11am - 12pm
Today Listen to Daseta
and Reeshemah on Urban Kids Journeys Radio 11:00 am - 12:00 pm as we talk about
what infants and toddlers should know by the time they arrive in kindergarten.
Listen via tune in http://tunein.com/radio/Empire-Radio-US-s225911/ ;
; via phone
401-283-6551 or 712-432-9576. Call in with questions IslandVoices.net 401-283-6551 (to connect to us, press 5 on your
phone) or 516-200-8480.
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