Language development is one of the important skills that your toddler needs before they get to pre-school and you must help your toddler to understand how language works ,including the meanings,and the ability to respond appropriately with the correct language : for example if you ask your toddler what is your favorite color or how does your food taste.He should be able to respond by naming a color and saying words like delicious,spicy,hot,sweet or yucky .However, if you have not introduced these vocabulary your toddler will not be able to respond .
One your toddler has the grasp of a concept you transition them to the next one .
Here is a prefect example John who is three years and and 8 months is now making comparisons , he will say thins like "Nana look the it is like my bag " . I will same to him" yes it is the same as your bag". He clearly understands the concept of the same because he has been saying it for the last few weeks. This week we will introduce him to the word " different " and give him time to grasp the concept . We will us concrete examples .
The first day we will use two of his cars and begin by saying "John look at these cars one of them is different because it is bigger .I will just mention that and leave it at that and allow him to continue playing. Another day we will discuss his shoes and show why one is different . Once he gets the concept of difference we will use both words together . We will use two cars and a shoes and ask which ones are the same and which one is different.
In order for young children to learn concepts you must use concrete items and give them time to grasp the skill.You also have to be in tune with young children this enables you to move them alon the developmental line.

Sharing information and advice on the most critical time... The first 2000 Days. What are some things you can look out for and some activities you can do with infants/toddlers to get them through the various developmental milestones before they get to school. Also I will share information for the caregivers from age appropriate books to setting up classrooms.
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Saturday, May 30, 2015
May 18th 2015
Time 7:30am
Age 3.7 yrs
Gender M
African American
A few months ago Ajani tried to dress himself and he put both legs in the same pants foot. He was frustrated when he was not able to walk. We explained and showed him how to put a his pants on . He has had several months to practice and this morning he dressed himself by putting on his socks, shirt,pants , he called me and when I came he said "look Nana I put my clothes on " . He had a big smile and a feeling of being competent on his face. This is a part of social,emotional and cognitive skills that is needed before your fourth birthday. Those critical years 0-3.
It is very important that you give your toddler the opportunity to take off and put on articles of clothing .
Time 7:30am
Age 3.7 yrs
Gender M
African American
A few months ago Ajani tried to dress himself and he put both legs in the same pants foot. He was frustrated when he was not able to walk. We explained and showed him how to put a his pants on . He has had several months to practice and this morning he dressed himself by putting on his socks, shirt,pants , he called me and when I came he said "look Nana I put my clothes on " . He had a big smile and a feeling of being competent on his face. This is a part of social,emotional and cognitive skills that is needed before your fourth birthday. Those critical years 0-3.
It is very important that you give your toddler the opportunity to take off and put on articles of clothing .
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Reading is very important . At 3.7 Your toddler should be requesting stories and you should always have a book with you. Stories play a great role during the early years.Young children learn a number of skills including: listening,focusing,language development,vocabulary and the alphabet . At 3.7 they are observing the words when you are reading. The child should be in your lap this gives them the opportunity to see the words , the pictures touch the pages and interact with the book . You can now begin to ask your toddler " what is your favorite part of the story". Allow time for your toddler to grasp the concept you also have to give him language that will help him understand the question.It is critical that you allow time for your toddler to understand concepts in order to grasp the skill you want him to learn. Have fun reading.
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Language development
Language development is one of the most important skills that your toddler must have before they get to kindergarten.If your toddler is 3.7 years here are some things that she should be able to do :
- Speak in a complete sentence
- Answer why questions (open ended )
- Name their favorite part of a story
- When you ask can you tell me a story they should be able to tell you one
- The should begin to use pro-nouns he/she
- They should be asking where am I going /where are you going
- When you ask your toddler these questions they should be able to answer you
- When you ask can you sing me a song they should be able to sing one
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
What your toddler needs for pre-k
The information we have been sharing are connected to school readiness skills. I wanted to take a moment to provide the link for the pre-k common core standards click here which are skills your toddler needs or will continue to develop when they arrive at pre-k.
In other countries in may be called something different however, the objectives are the same. Getting your toddler ready for learning much of this is taken from Head Start standards and the United Nations has adopted those standards.
Remember to share the blog with others
Be well
In other countries in may be called something different however, the objectives are the same. Getting your toddler ready for learning much of this is taken from Head Start standards and the United Nations has adopted those standards.
Remember to share the blog with others
Be well
Monday, May 25, 2015
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Writing skills
age 3.6 years May 10th ,2015
young children must have access to writing tools at home . This allows the toddler to work on their fine motors skills, finger ,wrist and eye muscles. This child took this on by himself. He has good control of his wrist because he is now able to make small circles.
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Language development
May 12/2015
African American boy
age 3.7 years old
Language is very important it prepares children for kindergarten and beyond.When children are able to express themselves verbally it makes it easier to transition to reading print.
It has been months we have been helping this child to use the pronoun "she" when referring to a woman or girl. Yesterday I went to pick him up and he said "nana she took me to the park". He finally is able to use that pronoun and he is also using past tense.
Language development is a process and you must be intentional about it . Remember once your toddler is able to grasp a concept that is it . You can now move on to another skill. all these skills are needed for kindergarten.
May 12/2015
African American boy
age 3.7 years old
Language is very important it prepares children for kindergarten and beyond.When children are able to express themselves verbally it makes it easier to transition to reading print.
It has been months we have been helping this child to use the pronoun "she" when referring to a woman or girl. Yesterday I went to pick him up and he said "nana she took me to the park". He finally is able to use that pronoun and he is also using past tense.
Language development is a process and you must be intentional about it . Remember once your toddler is able to grasp a concept that is it . You can now move on to another skill. all these skills are needed for kindergarten.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Baby & Wee™ Session Saturday 5/23/15 9:30am
For you and your infant/toddler 0—3 yrs old
Dads & Grandparents
Welcomed! feel free to share with other parents
Art * Music * Story time *
Activities * Language Development * Cooking
We share tips on activities
to do at home to help develop fine & gross motor skills; language
development; developing self confidence in your infants and toddlers
Facilitated by Daseta Gray,
Certified Infant Toddler Specialist
Saturday, May 23, 2015 9:30am—12:30am
focus Language development
52-56 St. Nicholas Ave
The St. Nicholas Community Room Lower level
NY, NY 10026 (btwn 112 & 113 St)
NY, NY 10026 (btwn 112 & 113 St)
$25 per session (2 adults and up to 2 infants/toddlers)
$5 each additional child (Session I & II
purchased together)
Space is limited
To purchase tickets click here
For more info contact us Daseta 347-524-4178 Or Reeshemah
No refunds. Payment could be
used toward a future class if you are unable to make the class at the last
No payments will be taken at
the venue
math skills
Your toddler should be given these experiences . These are called age appropriate toys and they are open ended
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Monday, May 18, 2015
Sunday, May 17, 2015
SCIENCE-3..7 years
Child is looking at a growing plant . The love for science begins during the infant/toddler years at home. If your child goes to a childcare program live plants should be in the class room and live animals also.
The child is also learning how to observe items and focus.
Come and join us today
will be vending at this event. We also sell gently used age appropriate
books for newborn to age 5; Just look for our tent Sabree Education
Summer on the Hudson: Mamapalooza Outdoor Extravaganza
Sunday, May 17, 2015
12:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.
Celebrate mothers and the people who love them at our annual music and art-filled festival featuring all-ages bands, kids activities, Gymboree Play Tent, crafts, momentrepreneures, eco-environmental information, food, vendors, interactive fun, and more! Everyone is welcome. events/2015/05/17/summer-on- the-hudson-mamapalooza- outdoor-extravaganza
12:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.
Celebrate mothers and the people who love them at our annual music and art-filled festival featuring all-ages bands, kids activities, Gymboree Play Tent, crafts, momentrepreneures, eco-environmental information, food, vendors, interactive fun, and more! Everyone is welcome.
Pier 1 Riverside Park SouthPier I in Riverside Park Sout
Directions to this location
Cost free



Show details
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Social skills
We stopped at a flee market and walk around and looked at different items. This is a part of social skills that children to learn, the ability to interact with people outside their community.
Friday, May 15, 2015
Experience is what builds a brain
It is a great idea to let your toddler see a cow up close all winter she had been seeing cows in books.
It is a great time to take your toddler to the farm.
It is a great time to take your toddler to the farm.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Play is critical for brain development
Play is very important .Young children learn a number of skills while they are playing . Here this child is learning to focus ,he is making decisions and also learning to play alone among other skills.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Learning to focus
It is important to do different activities wit your toddler it helps them to focus . Many children get to school and cannot focus . Doing different activities that keeps your toddler engaged helps them to focus and also help them to develop self-regulation.
Monday, May 11, 2015
Pre-writing skills
3 years /6 months
Here this child is developing his pre-writing skills . He is able to make small circles this means that he has control of his finger muscles.He is now holding his pencil with his fist but as he continues to get experiences with different writing tools he will be ready to write when it is time.The key ingredient to building brain development is positive experiences.He is writing on a shopping bag.When children wants to write you can allow them to use different things.When you provide these experiences when the child gets to pre-kay they will be able to hold and manage writing tools.
Sunday, May 10, 2015
The ability to play
Young children learn social skills through play . They also learn how to self-regulate . Children leaning many skills through play when the age appropriate tools are given to them and there are caring adults to facilitate and guide them.
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Friday, May 8, 2015
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Me time
Infants/toddlers like to be alone at times. It is important that they are allowed me time.They also love to push items it is good for them to have a push toy.It is important for your space to be baby friendly this will allow the infant to feel comfortable to explore.
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Babies love boxes
This is an opportunity for you to introduce new vocabulary to your infant -in and out . You can say wow Dan I see that you are in the box.
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Brain development
3.6 years When you are in the car with toddlers/infants you must take a favorite activity with them. Here this boy is focused on his play board . He is getting a chance to problem solve and he is also learning how to focus.Providing age appropriate tools for young children helps them to build skills that are needed for school and life.
Monday, May 4, 2015
The ability to focus
Many children get to school and lack the ability to sit and focus (ADD) Attention Deficit Disorder.
This can be prevented if you give your infant developmental toys and experiences that he can interact with .You have to help to wire the brain. Infants/toddlers will sit and do activities that they are interested in .
This can be prevented if you give your infant developmental toys and experiences that he can interact with .You have to help to wire the brain. Infants/toddlers will sit and do activities that they are interested in .
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Friday, May 1, 2015
Communication is not just words
Yesterday (April 27,2015) I was walking and observed an adult walking with a young child . The child was trying to speak with her and she paid no attention to what the child was saying .She continued walking as she pulled the child along.
She is has communicated to the child that he is not important although she did not say words . Body language can be more powerful than words. When you interact with your infant/toddler is is very important that you communicate positive messages at all times. You are the mirror that your child sees the world through.
Parent education is very important.
She is has communicated to the child that he is not important although she did not say words . Body language can be more powerful than words. When you interact with your infant/toddler is is very important that you communicate positive messages at all times. You are the mirror that your child sees the world through.
Parent education is very important.
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