observation :
April 26th ,2015
age 3.8 years
What is that pointing to the fruit in his mother's hand. It is a cantaloupe . He walked away and began to look through his books ."what are you looking for ,I asked " Mr.Doodle I want to find the cantaloupe ". He got the book and find the page with the took it cantaloupe it to his mother .
Look as he point to the picture the same cantaloupe pointing to the one on the table.
He is actually using math vocabulary that was given to him .You have to give your toddler vocabulary that will allow them to develop language skills.This is pre- literacy skills/reading .

Sharing information and advice on the most critical time... The first 2000 Days. What are some things you can look out for and some activities you can do with infants/toddlers to get them through the various developmental milestones before they get to school. Also I will share information for the caregivers from age appropriate books to setting up classrooms.
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Reading -Skills 2.7 years old
It is very important that your toddler have access to different reading materials it gives them an opportunity to choose when to read. Your infant/toddler will select reading materials on their own.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Language development - Social skills
Language plays an important role in brain development during the first three years . It is very important that you help your toddler to learn how to express his needs and wants ,this is called expressive language; Your toddler is three years and six months she should be able to : answer why questions ,if you ask where are doing she should be able to respond "I am doing...." Do you like it and why,How does it taste,What you you like for breakfast,what is your name/your mother's name etc
How does it taste? Where are you going ? How do you feel ?What is your favorite part of the story ?
If your toddler is not able to respond to these questions .You should begin to help her by engaging her into these kinds of conversations. The ability to communicate is one of the most important skills that toddler needs in order to be ready for kindergarten . You should have been giving your toddler vocabulary form the start because in order to communicate you need to have words and then learn the action that goes with it .Once your toddler understands the words then they will be able to use them in sentences. Language development is the pre-reading stage. Having language helps the toddler to self-regulate which reduces anxiety and frustration.
Many toddlers are being suspended from pre-school and one of the reason may be the lack of language skills????
How does it taste? Where are you going ? How do you feel ?What is your favorite part of the story ?
If your toddler is not able to respond to these questions .You should begin to help her by engaging her into these kinds of conversations. The ability to communicate is one of the most important skills that toddler needs in order to be ready for kindergarten . You should have been giving your toddler vocabulary form the start because in order to communicate you need to have words and then learn the action that goes with it .Once your toddler understands the words then they will be able to use them in sentences. Language development is the pre-reading stage. Having language helps the toddler to self-regulate which reduces anxiety and frustration.
Many toddlers are being suspended from pre-school and one of the reason may be the lack of language skills????
Caring for your self-
Ajani( 3 years /4 months) is now able to take off his outer layer of clothing hat,coat he is now able to zip his coat down and is able to zip it up after we start it . We are now teaching him to put his hat in the sleeve of his coat .His gloves are attach to his coat that is not a problem . The next step is to allow him to put his coat on . He will let us know when he is ready for that transition . It is important to be in tune with your toddler because they will let you know when they want to move on to a new experience.They usually initiate the experience and then you should encourage and support them by allowing them time to learn that skill. I know that you are usually press for time but these skills are very important live skills and you are preparing your toddler to live in the world therefore you need to make the time to allow her to develop these skills.If you have items where your toddler has access to it she will initiate learning on her own.
Here are a few ideas:
Hang her jacket at eye level where she can reach it (example)door knob and you will observe
Leave her shoes where she can reach it
Wake up a little earlier this way your toddler will have a little time to try and put her coat on or her boots : encourage her by saying Sharon let's see you put your boots on . If she gets frustrated you will ask her do you need help .then give her a hand . As you do this for a few weeks she will develop that skill and she will learn that when she gets frustrated she should ask for help. You are also teaching self-regulation.
This is all a part of social/emotional/cognitive school readiness.
Monday, April 27, 2015
Social skills-
age 3,6 years gender African American
Monday April 21,2015
Time: 11:40 am
We are walking on the street and he was drinking a bottle of water. I am finish NaNa should it drop it ? Pointing to the street . No you cannot keep it until we see a garbage pan. OK NaNa he said. We walked a few block and there was a garbage can and he put the trash in the bin.
I explained to him that we do not put trash on the ground we put it in the garbage pan.
Remember that the brain grows the most during the years 0-3. The experiences that are given during these years a're critical .You are the child's mirror and must give the child a good mirror that has a positive reflection.
age 3,6 years gender African American
Monday April 21,2015
Time: 11:40 am
We are walking on the street and he was drinking a bottle of water. I am finish NaNa should it drop it ? Pointing to the street . No you cannot keep it until we see a garbage pan. OK NaNa he said. We walked a few block and there was a garbage can and he put the trash in the bin.
I explained to him that we do not put trash on the ground we put it in the garbage pan.
Remember that the brain grows the most during the years 0-3. The experiences that are given during these years a're critical .You are the child's mirror and must give the child a good mirror that has a positive reflection.
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Science - during the infant/toddler years
We have introduce the words sink and float on 1.21.15 . During bath time add a few objects to the bath . One object should be heavy and one light . When you put them in the water it should be show your toddler that the heavy object sink and the lighter object is floating. You are giving your toddler science vocabulary and this is where stem begins . Language development is all the time.
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Social Emotional Development- during the infant/toddler years
Young children must learn how to interact with adults in a positive way both family members and non-family members
Birth to 18 months
these are some signs that you can look for : 1. Quiets when comforted, especially by familiar adult, most of the time 2. Shows preference for one parent over the other 3. Initiates and maintains interactions with caregivers (e.g., smiles, gestures, verbal) 4. Imitates familiar adults’ gestures and sounds 5. Shows affection for adults through facial expressions and gestures 6. Explores environment with guidance 7. Distinguishes between familiar and unfamiliar adults (e.g., prefers comfort from familiar adult) 8.
18 to 36 months
Exhibits separation anxiety by clinging to caregiver in the presence of strangers 1. Establishes an attachment or bond with a consistent adult other than the primary caregiver 2. Demonstrates feeling safe with significant adults by seeking them when uncomfortable or when sick, tired, or in a dangerous situation 3. Imitates adult activities (e.g., pretends to cook, “reads” next to adult who is reading) 4. Initiates interactions and play with adults 5. Responds to adults’ verbal greetings 6. Communicates with adults about recent activities 7. Labels feelings 8. Shows awareness of others’ feelings 9. May show extreme discomfort with separation or new situations when familiar caregiver is not present – by protesting loudly (crying) or by withdrawing completely (refusing to participate) 10. May need to have a special blanket, stuffed animal or toy for comfort 1.
36 to 60 months
Separates with assistance from significant adults and transitions to program 2. Expresses affection for significant adults 3. Approaches adults for assistance and offers to assist adults 4. Carries out actions to please adults at times 5. Expresses feelings about adults (e.g., “I love Auntie”) Sample Strategies to Promote Development and Learning: Sample Strategies to Promote Development and Learning: Sample Strategies
Birth to 18 months
these are some signs that you can look for : 1. Quiets when comforted, especially by familiar adult, most of the time 2. Shows preference for one parent over the other 3. Initiates and maintains interactions with caregivers (e.g., smiles, gestures, verbal) 4. Imitates familiar adults’ gestures and sounds 5. Shows affection for adults through facial expressions and gestures 6. Explores environment with guidance 7. Distinguishes between familiar and unfamiliar adults (e.g., prefers comfort from familiar adult) 8.
18 to 36 months
Exhibits separation anxiety by clinging to caregiver in the presence of strangers 1. Establishes an attachment or bond with a consistent adult other than the primary caregiver 2. Demonstrates feeling safe with significant adults by seeking them when uncomfortable or when sick, tired, or in a dangerous situation 3. Imitates adult activities (e.g., pretends to cook, “reads” next to adult who is reading) 4. Initiates interactions and play with adults 5. Responds to adults’ verbal greetings 6. Communicates with adults about recent activities 7. Labels feelings 8. Shows awareness of others’ feelings 9. May show extreme discomfort with separation or new situations when familiar caregiver is not present – by protesting loudly (crying) or by withdrawing completely (refusing to participate) 10. May need to have a special blanket, stuffed animal or toy for comfort 1.
36 to 60 months
Separates with assistance from significant adults and transitions to program 2. Expresses affection for significant adults 3. Approaches adults for assistance and offers to assist adults 4. Carries out actions to please adults at times 5. Expresses feelings about adults (e.g., “I love Auntie”) Sample Strategies to Promote Development and Learning: Sample Strategies to Promote Development and Learning: Sample Strategies
Friday, April 24, 2015
Note Location: Join Sabree Education Services & Urban Kids Journeys for Earth Day 4/25/15 @ Morningside Park West 113 Street
We would love to see you and your little one on Saturday, April 25 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm for a free family event entrance 113 Street and 114 St and Morningside Ave
At our booth we will do FREE art activities with you and your infant or toddler; 5 year old and younger. (Bring plenty of wipes).
We will also be selling gently used age appropriate books and toys
It would be so great to meet subscribers to the blog.
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Thursday, April 23, 2015
Observation -Young children learn on their own
February 18th 2015
Age 3.4 months
Gender boy
It is about 8:30 am Ajani walked up to his mom and said to her can I button. Do you want to button my shirt she asked ?yes replied the child. She stand in front of him and he began to button her shirt . He was a little frustrated but with some encouragement from his mom in a low voice -you don't have to cry just take your time and try his mother said to him. He got the button through the hole and he let out a big I did it.
That was his first time buttoning .
We then left for the journey to the subway .We got outside and he wants to walk backwards . I allowed him to do it for a while . When we got off at our stop he wanted to walk up the steps backwards which I allowed him to.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Taking initiative -Social Emotional Development
Age 3.4yrs
February 25th Ajani took up his pants and put it on. NaNa look I did it . A few months ago he tried this skill but he had both legs in one foot of his pants.
He has been observing for the last few months because since he tried this is the first time I observe him putting his pants on again.
This is a part of school readiness .This helps to develop self-confidence, competence ,independence gross motor skills among other things.
It is important to have young children clothing where they have access to it or some of it . This will give them the opportunity to try new skills. They usually will not announce when they are ready to move from one stage to the next they just do it but the tools and the opportunity must be made available.
February 25th Ajani took up his pants and put it on. NaNa look I did it . A few months ago he tried this skill but he had both legs in one foot of his pants.
He has been observing for the last few months because since he tried this is the first time I observe him putting his pants on again.
This is a part of school readiness .This helps to develop self-confidence, competence ,independence gross motor skills among other things.
It is important to have young children clothing where they have access to it or some of it . This will give them the opportunity to try new skills. They usually will not announce when they are ready to move from one stage to the next they just do it but the tools and the opportunity must be made available.
Monday, April 20, 2015
Building self-esteem -brain development during the infant/toddler years
Toddlers will initiate activities on their own and they do not inform you it is natural for them to learn.However,it is important for them to be given the opportunity in order to develop these skills. Look at the big smile on his face say yes I did it ,he feels competent . These small accomplishments form the roots of social,emotional and cognitive school readiness.He is also developing his gross motor skills,building vocabulary and more.
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Adaptive social behavior -during the infant/toddler yeras
Socialization is the one of the most important skills that you can teach to your new human.Being able to adapt to a culture and understanding what is the cultural norms will allow your infant/toddler to have the foundation that will guide her the rest of her life.
Your baby is born with a clean slate and will learn what you have written on it. During those early years birth to 18 months you should respond to the baby with the same words/tone and actions. For example if the baby is crying and you know that she is hungry - you may want to say -Sharon I know that you are hungry .Just give me a minute I am making a bottle for you. Allow the baby to watch you make the bottle .Within a few weeks the baby will understand and will begin to wait when you say those words .Yes your baby is not speaking but her brain records what you say and she sees the action that goes along with those words. With repeated experiences the brain understands what is going on . The brocas section of the brain is responsible for language development and so your baby is not speaking but the brocas is recording and processing language one the baby begins to speak the vocabulary will be there for her to use.The cerebulum is responsible for movements and coordination of muscles,speaking helps to develop this section of the brain. Now both sections will be working together to develop language. Giving your baby vocabulary is very important it allows your baby to begin speaking in short sentences for example-want that . You will extend their language by saying would you like your red truck.
Understanding how the brain works is very important during the first three years because you are now able to do intentional teaching.
Your baby is born with a clean slate and will learn what you have written on it. During those early years birth to 18 months you should respond to the baby with the same words/tone and actions. For example if the baby is crying and you know that she is hungry - you may want to say -Sharon I know that you are hungry .Just give me a minute I am making a bottle for you. Allow the baby to watch you make the bottle .Within a few weeks the baby will understand and will begin to wait when you say those words .Yes your baby is not speaking but her brain records what you say and she sees the action that goes along with those words. With repeated experiences the brain understands what is going on . The brocas section of the brain is responsible for language development and so your baby is not speaking but the brocas is recording and processing language one the baby begins to speak the vocabulary will be there for her to use.The cerebulum is responsible for movements and coordination of muscles,speaking helps to develop this section of the brain. Now both sections will be working together to develop language. Giving your baby vocabulary is very important it allows your baby to begin speaking in short sentences for example-want that . You will extend their language by saying would you like your red truck.
Understanding how the brain works is very important during the first three years because you are now able to do intentional teaching.
Friday, April 17, 2015
Now that your toddler is almost four years old he should be able to clean up when he is asked to . This is a part of social skills the ability to cooperate . Young children also need to learn that items have a space even if your space is what you may call (messy). Teaching your toddler the ability to focus even when it may be chaos is also a skill that your toddler needs . As he goes into school the ability to focus will be needed and he should not be easily distracted by other sounds that may be around.
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Language development
It is best to introduce vocabulary when your toddler initiate an interest ,in other words do not talk about the gas station gives gas when you are in the zoo: it is best to introduce this sentence when you are at the gas station where the discussion is relevant and your toddler can make the connection. Young children learn best when connections can be made to the discussion that you introduce or the concept.
Monday, April 13, 2015
Social emotional development - Language skills
The ability to communicate is very important when your baby gets to pre-school however you cannot wait until then to give her language.You should be speaking with your baby all the time speaking with your baby helps her to learn negotiation skills and sentence structure among other things . You also want to say the name of items for your baby -for example it your baby is pointing to her bottle -you will say do you want your bottle . This will help your baby to develop her vocabulary ,she is not speaking but the brocas area of the brain is responsible for language development and is recording the information for when it is time for the baby to begin speaking.One the brain is exposed to an experience it does not forget it.
You are also helping your baby to develop memory skills also.
You are also helping your baby to develop memory skills also.
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Language development -social skills
At eight months you should introduce the word share to your baby and help her to understand the action that goes with the word . This will take a few weeks for your baby's brain to grasp the concept and the action . It is important for you to give your baby time to learn these new skills. You should also do the action when you say the word . Once the baby grasp the concept you celebrate and move on to the next concept.
Your baby is learning to follow directions, the meaning of words , new vocabulary and a number of other things. Each concept and action that you introduce you must allow time for your baby to understand it . You are building a brain .
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Experience builds a brain
Brooklyn Children's museum March 4th,2014
These boys are having fun and learning that plans need water .They are learning empathy also among other things.
Friday, April 10, 2015
Language development - literal
Child is 3.6 years
time 5:45 PM
He was speaking to someone on the phone and her told her "you forgot your hat see then he put the phone on the had and said see".
He has not yet learned that you cannot see objects through the phone.Development is fascinating when you are in tune and give responsive care .
Keep observing and recording your baby devlopment.
Child is 3.6 years
time 5:45 PM
He was speaking to someone on the phone and her told her "you forgot your hat see then he put the phone on the had and said see".
He has not yet learned that you cannot see objects through the phone.Development is fascinating when you are in tune and give responsive care .
Keep observing and recording your baby devlopment.
Language development -Telling a story
3 years and six months :
When you say to your toddler can you tell me a story she should be able to . I tried that recently and the toddler was able to . This is because that toddler has been exposed a a number of experiences with reading , speaking , creative play . He his story had a beginning a middle and an ending.His ability to use his creativity was great .
Keep reading to your baby and keep speaking with your baby . It is very important to develop good language skills because this helps with social,emotional and cognitive development for kindergarten and beyond.
When you say to your toddler can you tell me a story she should be able to . I tried that recently and the toddler was able to . This is because that toddler has been exposed a a number of experiences with reading , speaking , creative play . He his story had a beginning a middle and an ending.His ability to use his creativity was great .
Keep reading to your baby and keep speaking with your baby . It is very important to develop good language skills because this helps with social,emotional and cognitive development for kindergarten and beyond.
April 4th,2015
This toddler dod not want to touch the lizard but he had the experience of seeing a live animal.
This toddler dod not want to touch the lizard but he had the experience of seeing a live animal.
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Language development
Now you can introduce the following vocabulary to your toddler : Monday, Tuesday, yesterday,etc. Your toddler is now three years and six months and he is now ready to hear these words.You can simply say today is Saturday and we are going to the museum . As time goes you will just casually introduce the words. Your toddler needs to hear words for a while before he actually start paying attention to it . Now he will be going to school and when he hears these words it will not be new to his brain.
Your toddler is now telling your stories . He is using his memory and will tell you a story that happens a day or two ago as if it happens today. This is an opportunity to introduce this new vocabulary "Yesterday" you can say wow you have such a good memory but we went to the zoo yesterday and we did see the lion. Again this new vocabulary will take some time for your toddler to understand it but once he gets it that's it.
You have to do intentional teaching in order to give your toddler the skills that she needs in order to be ready for kindergarten and beyond.
Your toddler is now telling your stories . He is using his memory and will tell you a story that happens a day or two ago as if it happens today. This is an opportunity to introduce this new vocabulary "Yesterday" you can say wow you have such a good memory but we went to the zoo yesterday and we did see the lion. Again this new vocabulary will take some time for your toddler to understand it but once he gets it that's it.
You have to do intentional teaching in order to give your toddler the skills that she needs in order to be ready for kindergarten and beyond.
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Getting undress- Social emotional development
Your toddler is now 3 yrs and six month he should be able to undress himself . This is a part of social/emotional development .This build self-esteem if your toddler is trying you should encourage it and celebrate when he does.When your toddler has good self-esteem it makes him feel competent.
Your toddler will initiate this skill he just need encouragement when he does.
Your toddler will initiate this skill he just need encouragement when he does.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
You should be in the know when it comes on to your human rights
Please take a look at this site when you have a moment : And look at the different documentaries and share the information with your contacts.
Monday, April 6, 2015
Scene from a Baby and Wee class
Infants getting ready to finger paint at one of our session. Finger painting helps to develop the finger ,eye and the wrist muscle. This is a pre-writing skill . This is a part of social emotional development.
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Comprehension -Language development
0-18 months
Your child should turn and when simple object is named.Should be able to imitate clapping "Patty Cake".
18-36 months
Your child should be able to follow two steps directions with complex sentences structure for example:(noun,verb,adverb) put dishes away quickly or put the dishes in the dish rack.
They should be able to answer simple questions : Tell me some things you saw at the zoo, Why was the boy sad,why did the little pig run away.
36-60 months
Should be able to follow two or three step action which may not be related :Please pick up your red truck and pick up your gloves.Here are some games that can help Simon Says ,Hokey Pokey or you can create your own games. Think about the games you played as a child .
Your child should turn and when simple object is named.Should be able to imitate clapping "Patty Cake".
18-36 months
Your child should be able to follow two steps directions with complex sentences structure for example:(noun,verb,adverb) put dishes away quickly or put the dishes in the dish rack.
They should be able to answer simple questions : Tell me some things you saw at the zoo, Why was the boy sad,why did the little pig run away.
36-60 months
Should be able to follow two or three step action which may not be related :Please pick up your red truck and pick up your gloves.Here are some games that can help Simon Says ,Hokey Pokey or you can create your own games. Think about the games you played as a child .
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Professional development-- if you work with children pre-k to 12th grade..Free
I am posting this for a colleague.
Professional Development for Pre-K Teachers
Looking Longer
Thursday, April 23, 2015
9 AM–1 PM, Galleries & Workshop A
Pre-k teachers are invited to a professional development day inspired by the exhibition, Trenton Doyle Hancock: Skin and Bones,20 Years of Drawing. Teachers will participate in a guided tour
and hands-on workshop experience, focused on the significance of “looking longer” at images through visual inquiry and strategies for incorporating drawing activities into classroom curricula.
Participants will gather museum tools and resources that connect to the New York State Pre-Kindergarten Foundation to the Common Core Standards. Don’t miss the chance to learn about resources for educators, upcoming programs and opportunities for your school or
early childhood center!
Professional Development for Pre-K-12 Educators is FREE.
Space is limited, and available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Breakfast and refreshments will be provided.
Registration is required. Please go tostudiomuseum.org/eventcalendar
for more information.
144 W. 125th Street
New York, NY 10027
Professional Development for Pre-K Teachers
Looking Longer
Thursday, April 23, 2015
9 AM–1 PM, Galleries & Workshop A
Pre-k teachers are invited to a professional development day inspired by the exhibition, Trenton Doyle Hancock: Skin and Bones,20 Years of Drawing. Teachers will participate in a guided tour
and hands-on workshop experience, focused on the significance of “looking longer” at images through visual inquiry and strategies for incorporating drawing activities into classroom curricula.
Participants will gather museum tools and resources that connect to the New York State Pre-Kindergarten Foundation to the Common Core Standards. Don’t miss the chance to learn about resources for educators, upcoming programs and opportunities for your school or
early childhood center!
Professional Development for Pre-K-12 Educators is FREE.
Space is limited, and available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Breakfast and refreshments will be provided.
Registration is required. Please go tostudiomuseum.org/eventcalendar
for more information.
144 W. 125th Street
New York, NY 10027
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Social emotional development- focusing
Clark University March 28th ,2015
It is very important that when you are outside your home you take some toys with your toddler this allows him to feel comfortable in the new space. he will be able to focus and entertain himself if there are no more toddlers around and if there are toddlers he will be able to share his toys with them.If is important for toddlers to learn how to play alone and how to ask others to play with them and also how to ask to join children who are playing .Here are some of the communication language that your toddler must know :
May I play with you ? or Can I play with you?
Do you want to play with me?
These are usually learned at home. These are social skills that are needed for school and life. Play is a key part of children's learning and it begins at home.
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