On Monday Dec 29th 2013 my grandson who is 2yrs and three months was on the chair drinking from his cup. He decided that he wanted to come off the chair. As I observed him making an attempt to get down with the cup in his hand he realized that he needed both hands in order to maneuver . He put the cup in his mouth and help it between his teeth . He then climb down off the chair. He looked at me with a big a smile . I said yea you did it! he pumped his fist in the air and said yes. Here he is building self-confidence and feeling competent.
It is very important to that you allow your infant/toddler to problem solve . This may not seem like a big deal to you but keep in mind that all these are forming the foundation for this skill to develop.
It is very important to teach your infant/toddler to ask for help when they need help. This allows them to try and solve problems first and when they have decided that they need help they will ask. This eliminates frustration because they begin to understand that they should first try and a caring adult will be there to assist when they need help.
You should also get a note book and write some things that you observe . When you write an observation you should put the date, time, and place and of course the activity.

Sharing information and advice on the most critical time... The first 2000 Days. What are some things you can look out for and some activities you can do with infants/toddlers to get them through the various developmental milestones before they get to school. Also I will share information for the caregivers from age appropriate books to setting up classrooms.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
When does literacy begins? Often I hear and observe young children who are unable to read on their level. When you look at the areas of the brain there is not a section for literacy, however there is a section for language development. When you look at the order of development language develops next (3rd) in the temporal lobe. The temporal lobe is also responsible for other functions.
In order for a child to be able to read all the above must be developed.
Literacy skills begins when you bring your infant home and you begin the "serve and return" when the baby coos and you respond. And you should begin speaking with your infant from day one .
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Broca's area –
structure located in the frontal lobe of the brain that controls
the production of spoken and written language
Temporal lobe –
part of the brain located above the ears that is responsible for
hearing, speech, and some learning and memory
Wernicke's area –
located in the temporal lobe that plays a critical role in the ability to
understand meaningful speech In order for a child to be able to read all the above must be developed.
Literacy skills begins when you bring your infant home and you begin the "serve and return" when the baby coos and you respond. And you should begin speaking with your infant from day one .
Wernicke's area –
located in the temporal lobe that plays a critical role in the ability to
understand meaningful speech.Please visit us
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Sunday, December 29, 2013
It is very important that your care giver is trained in infant/toddler care.The more knowledge she/he has will help them to take your infant/toddler along the developmental stages. Your caregiver is a partner in your infant/toddler development . You both are giving your infant/toddler life skills during those critical years of development 0-3 years old.
Both of you should share information about the infant/toddler. You should have a communication note book where you both can write in as needed.
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Both of you should share information about the infant/toddler. You should have a communication note book where you both can write in as needed.
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Thursday, December 26, 2013
Your toddler is now 26 months and he should be able to ask for help when she needs it. She should be able to express her frustration if she is doing an activity and ask for help. When you ask her if she wants to eat ,she should be able to say yes or no. She should be able to make solid decision.
For example Ajani was getting ready for bed and he said "ma I want milk". His mom said "I will give you some water". She put some water in his cup and gave it to him . Before he stated it she walked to the other side of the room. Ajani sipped his cup .He took it from his mouth and yelled "Ma,Ma" . "Yes Ajani" his mom responded . Stretching the cup to wards her " Ma want milk". he did not drink the water she had to give him milk.
Clearly he is able to make decision and he will stand his ground. These leadership skills are needed when she gets to school. At home you must give your infant/toddler the experiences that will sharpen that section of the brain.
For example Ajani was getting ready for bed and he said "ma I want milk". His mom said "I will give you some water". She put some water in his cup and gave it to him . Before he stated it she walked to the other side of the room. Ajani sipped his cup .He took it from his mouth and yelled "Ma,Ma" . "Yes Ajani" his mom responded . Stretching the cup to wards her " Ma want milk". he did not drink the water she had to give him milk.
Clearly he is able to make decision and he will stand his ground. These leadership skills are needed when she gets to school. At home you must give your infant/toddler the experiences that will sharpen that section of the brain.
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Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Some bebefits from a positive relationship
Infants/toddlers who experience positive relationships at home makes easy transitions to childcare and then kindergarten . Infants/toddlers who have positive relationships with caring adults are more confident and when exploring new situation. Infants/toddlers who experience positive relationships tend to be more successful in kindergarten and tend to become life long learners .
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Tuesday, December 24, 2013
A healthy start begins with a healthy brain. It is very important that your infant/toddler experience healthy relationships . If it is possible you should keep the same caregiver with your child for the first three years. Security and trust are very important for infants and toddlers.
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Monday, December 23, 2013
Self esteem
social emotional skills:
Giving your baby's self-esteem is very important. This is a skill that is needed for life. You should begin by allowing your baby to be independent by allow her to do things for herself. In order to do this you must be in tune with your infant/toddler . Once your infant indicates that she is ready to move to a new stage it is important that you help her. You should also read up on the expectations at certain age . You are preparing your baby for school therefore it is critical that you stay up to date with the latest research. We have listed several informative sites on the blog that you can check out.
Please visit us when you get a moment.
Giving your baby's self-esteem is very important. This is a skill that is needed for life. You should begin by allowing your baby to be independent by allow her to do things for herself. In order to do this you must be in tune with your infant/toddler . Once your infant indicates that she is ready to move to a new stage it is important that you help her. You should also read up on the expectations at certain age . You are preparing your baby for school therefore it is critical that you stay up to date with the latest research. We have listed several informative sites on the blog that you can check out.
Please visit us when you get a moment.
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Sunday, December 22, 2013
Your baby is now 24 months is she speaking in sentences "mammy I am going" or mommy I want juice". Is your baby being a parrot by repeating some words that you say? Is your child able to identify some animals when your say "show me the cow?
Is your child saying "mommy gone" when she does not see an object?
Communication is very important . This shows that the language section of the brain is developing at the correct pace.
Is your child saying "mommy gone" when she does not see an object?
Communication is very important . This shows that the language section of the brain is developing at the correct pace.
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Saturday, December 21, 2013
My interview - getting the word out
Good morning,
Happy holidays. I would love to share my interview with you . Please tune in and please share the link with your friends on social media have a safe holiday and a great new year.
Can Be Accessed Through Your iTunes Browser - then "News/Talk"
Happy holidays. I would love to share my interview with you . Please tune in and please share the link with your friends on social media have a safe holiday and a great new year.
** My
DECEMBER 22nd! For optimum listener access, your interview will be
repeated from 2pm to 6pm of that day, Eastern time.
My interview, will be accessible through this link:
Friday, December 20, 2013
Problem solving
Your baby is now 16mos if you scribble on a paper a few times with a (pen, marker or pencil ) is your baby able to copy you by scribbling?
Can your baby drop a small object inside a bottle with a small mouth?
One of your baby's toy fell and it is a little difficult to reach does she try to use a tool to reach it?
You gave your baby a pen and have not shown her how to use it does she try to scribble?
All these activities form the foundation for problem solving skills as your infant/toddler develops. However, you must provide the tools that will allow her to develop these skills.
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Can your baby drop a small object inside a bottle with a small mouth?
One of your baby's toy fell and it is a little difficult to reach does she try to use a tool to reach it?
You gave your baby a pen and have not shown her how to use it does she try to scribble?
All these activities form the foundation for problem solving skills as your infant/toddler develops. However, you must provide the tools that will allow her to develop these skills.
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Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Music is very good for brain development . Music is used for different skills at different stage of development. Here I will discuss a few skills that it can be used to develop: Listening skills, language development and following directions, movements and developing memory skills. It is very important that you play the same songs for young children because they learn by repetition .
Monday, December 16, 2013
When does bad eating habit begins?
Reeshemah and I discuss how what you eat when pregnant plays a major role on their development especially when they are born on a cognitive and emotional level. Someone shared a very interesting article with me and I thought it would be great to share it with you.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Patientce - Brain development
Today boarded the train (Tue Dec 10.2013) at 8:15 am ,I was on my way to the Bronx. I began walking up the first set of stairs toward the exit and there is a care giver who was walking in front of me she had a baby strapped on her chest ,and a toddler walking and a boy around 9 years old. As she hurried up the stars dragging the toddler while she is crying. When she got to the landing of the first set of stairs she stopped abruptly bend down an slapped the toddler a few time " you need to walk and stop crying I don't have time for the shit". She began the climb up the stairs as the toddler continued to bawl we are half way up the set of stairs and the boy picked up the little girl and carried her through the turn style. he put her down and she is still crying "what are you crying for now " he asked. He walked ahead up the remainder of the stairs. The mother held the toddler's hand and pulled her up the rest od the stairs, expecting the toddler to follow her speed. When we got on the street it was snowing. The little girl is still crying . I needed an umbrella so I stopped as they continued. When I began walking the mother and the little girl was on their way back from dropping the brother at school. The little girl was still crying. This is a example of stress on the young brain and if this toddler experience stress to this magnitude on a regular basis that will not be healthy for her.
The way that she was being treated gives her a message saying ,that is the way the world will treat her and she will intern treat people that way. Once the brain is exposed to an experience it is imprinted in the memory bank.
It is best to get up early this will give you enough time to have your children ready without stress as it unhealthy for everyone.
The way that she was being treated gives her a message saying ,that is the way the world will treat her and she will intern treat people that way. Once the brain is exposed to an experience it is imprinted in the memory bank.
It is best to get up early this will give you enough time to have your children ready without stress as it unhealthy for everyone.
Friday, December 13, 2013
Fine motor development
Just a reminder :
Our next session will be tomorrow Saturday December 14th 2013 at Swing located at 1960 Adam Clayton Powell and 118 St .
The session begins at 10am the cost is $25 per family . Bring your friends and families.
We hope to see you there.
Our next session will be tomorrow Saturday December 14th 2013 at Swing located at 1960 Adam Clayton Powell and 118 St .
The session begins at 10am the cost is $25 per family . Bring your friends and families.
We hope to see you there.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Pretend play
As you allow her to explore her environment one of the activities she will want to do is pretend play. If she takes a bowl and turn it into a hat don't say "that's not a hat" but rather say something like "oh wow you are wearing a hat".
She may graduate to pretending to feed some of her toys. This displays her development to share. Encourage it by saying something like, "oh you are sharing with your giraffe." When she does an action you want to acknowledge it. Don't interrupt by joining in if it's self play.
A few days ago I gave Ajani some cheese to eat, I broke it up in small manageable pieces. He ate a few pieces and then he took his giraffe and placed the giraffe's face in the bowl as if the giraffe was eating cheese also. I said, "oh Ajani you are sharing your cheese with the giraffe."
Be well
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She may graduate to pretending to feed some of her toys. This displays her development to share. Encourage it by saying something like, "oh you are sharing with your giraffe." When she does an action you want to acknowledge it. Don't interrupt by joining in if it's self play.
A few days ago I gave Ajani some cheese to eat, I broke it up in small manageable pieces. He ate a few pieces and then he took his giraffe and placed the giraffe's face in the bowl as if the giraffe was eating cheese also. I said, "oh Ajani you are sharing your cheese with the giraffe."
Be well
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Tuesday, December 10, 2013
They really pay attention to what you say
On Sunday I was fixing an item for Ajani to work on a hand eye coordination activity. (For those who just subscribed to the blog Ajani is my son and he is 2.2 years old). The item was hot because I was melting a section of it so it could be stiff enough so Ajani could push the item through round block with a hole in the center. Ajani heard me say "ouch" and he said, "what happen". I showed him my finger and said I have a boo boo. He looked at my finger, then he took my finger as I looked at him as he touched my finger he said, "don't worry" (indicating to me that when he touches my boo boo it will not hurt).
This is a perfect example of language development and empathy. Once you display certain behavior toward your infant/toddler they retain that information and when the time comes they will utilized the same or similar language to you.
(an aside: it was important for me to make the polyester string stiff so he would get frustrated trying to push the string through the hole. He would have gotten frustrated because the string would have flopped each time he attempted to push the string through the hole. Whenever you do an activity try to make the outcome attainable for her. This helps develop her self confidence that she can try something and accomplish the activity).
This is a perfect example of language development and empathy. Once you display certain behavior toward your infant/toddler they retain that information and when the time comes they will utilized the same or similar language to you.
(an aside: it was important for me to make the polyester string stiff so he would get frustrated trying to push the string through the hole. He would have gotten frustrated because the string would have flopped each time he attempted to push the string through the hole. Whenever you do an activity try to make the outcome attainable for her. This helps develop her self confidence that she can try something and accomplish the activity).
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Visual examples of development--social, emotional and cognitive
I hope you are having a wonderful weekend. This entry is a little different than the others.
We have talked about a variety of different activities your can do at home with your infant/toddler. We shared with you ways to help develop her social, emotional and cognitive skills.
I realize there are several types of learners and so we created a youtube channel click here to show a few of the skills she should be learning and the environment in which you can have to assist her in developing those skills.
I hope you enjoy the short videos of Ajani. We will post others.
Be well
We have talked about a variety of different activities your can do at home with your infant/toddler. We shared with you ways to help develop her social, emotional and cognitive skills.
I realize there are several types of learners and so we created a youtube channel click here to show a few of the skills she should be learning and the environment in which you can have to assist her in developing those skills.
I hope you enjoy the short videos of Ajani. We will post others.
Be well
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Making playdough
Good morning a few weeks ago we did a baby and wee class . On of the activities that we do is cooking but not on a stove . Yesterday I saw a parent and she explained " since my 19month old attended the class all she wants to do is make play dough. We wanted to share the ingredients to make play dough . We recommend that you introduce your infants/toddlers to play dough around seven months old.
2 cups of flour
1 table spoons of cooking oil
2 tea spoon of salt
few drops of food coloring(allow infant/toddler to choose color)
1 cup of water
1. add the dry items and then the liquids
you should add the water as you mix do not make it too mushy.
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2 cups of flour
1 table spoons of cooking oil
2 tea spoon of salt
few drops of food coloring(allow infant/toddler to choose color)
1 cup of water
1. add the dry items and then the liquids
you should add the water as you mix do not make it too mushy.
Visit us at -www.sabreeeducationservices.com
Friday, December 6, 2013
Baby & Wee class 12/7/13 Rescheduled for 12/14/13
We will not have a class on Saturday, December 7. It is rescheduled for Saturday, December 14
Time: 10am -11am
Place: Swing 1960 Adam Clayton Powell Jr Blvd (corner of 118 St) in Harlem.
Cost: $25
We look forward to seeing you and your infant/toddler there. Please spread the word.
Thank you
Time: 10am -11am
Place: Swing 1960 Adam Clayton Powell Jr Blvd (corner of 118 St) in Harlem.
Cost: $25
We look forward to seeing you and your infant/toddler there. Please spread the word.
Thank you
Independence builds self esteem and that is a critical for life . It is very important that you allow your infant/toddler do small things for herself. She can clean up small spills, wash her hands by herself walk up the stairs, feed herself with a spoon.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Positive early experiences shapes the brain
ZERO TO THREE and Child Trends are pleased to share our new report, Changing the Course for Infants and Toddlers: A Survey of State Child Welfare Policies and Initiatives, which finds that that the “one-size-fits-all” child welfare approach adopted by most states does not work in meeting the unique developmental needs of many of the 200,000 infants and toddlers who come into contact with the child welfare system each year.
The report presents findings from a 2013 survey of state child welfare agencies about the policies and practices that guide their work in addressing the needs of infants and toddlers who have been maltreated. It sets the stage for understanding how states are currently supporting young children and calls on child welfare policymakers and administrators to establish stronger policies and practices that specifically address the unique needs of our youngest children.
Download the report and related materials here.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Monday, December 2, 2013
Developmental gifts
I think that it would be a great idea to purchase a few Baby and Wee sessions as a gift for your pregnant friend, your friend that just became a mom or your friend that has a child under three years old. These classes are designed to show caregivers how to get their babies ready for school by giving them the social, emotional and cognitive skills that is need before they get to school . We do pop-up classes , consultation at home ,workshops among other things.
I think this will be a wonderful gift for a friend.
As you purchase gifts for your infants/toddlers for Christmas give developmental toys ,music and books.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Yesterday (November 27th) we were in the car and Ajani's teen-age aunt was laughing . With a straight face he said "Sharon that is not funny". His mom and I began laughing he has a straight face. He turned 2 years and 2 months yesterday. He has been saying complete sentences for the past two weeks.
This is an important developmental mile stone . Infants must here whole language in order to be able to speak . That is why it is important the you transition your infant from her pacifier at 12 months. There are pre-speech sounds that a young child has to make before they can form words and if the have a pacifier in their mouth it negates that opportunity.
The cerebellum (section of the brain) is responsible for movements and co-ordination of muscles. There are muscles in the mouth area that needs to move in order for speech to occur sucking a pacifier will not allow for those muscles to do their job. Infants and toddlers must learn how to self -regulate ,being able to manage their emotions. Children who are able to calm themselves down do very well when they get to school.
This is an important developmental mile stone . Infants must here whole language in order to be able to speak . That is why it is important the you transition your infant from her pacifier at 12 months. There are pre-speech sounds that a young child has to make before they can form words and if the have a pacifier in their mouth it negates that opportunity.
The cerebellum (section of the brain) is responsible for movements and co-ordination of muscles. There are muscles in the mouth area that needs to move in order for speech to occur sucking a pacifier will not allow for those muscles to do their job. Infants and toddlers must learn how to self -regulate ,being able to manage their emotions. Children who are able to calm themselves down do very well when they get to school.
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