Sharing information and advice on the most critical time... The first 2000 Days. What are some things you can look out for and some activities you can do with infants/toddlers to get them through the various developmental milestones before they get to school. Also I will share information for the caregivers from age appropriate books to setting up classrooms.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
You should purchase a variety of books for you infant/toddler. Remember to get her board books(hard pages) . Infants/toddlers loves to throws,tear paper soft cover books should be kept on the shelf when you want to read to your infant. You should keep the board books in a bin on the floor this will allow your infant access. Your infant will have the opportunity to practice turning pages one at a time. They will also begin to learn self discipline when he goes on his own takes a book and engage in independent reading. You should get interesting books,noisy,textured books for feeling,colorful books,books of different sizes. You can rotate the books that you keep in the bin. Your infant will have her favorite . Just observe.Your infant/toddler must have access to the items that she/he plays with this will allow her to lean how to make decisions.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Making decisions
My grandson has some leggos in a small container that his mom takes with him when he goes out. It is in a container with a zipper. This morning (1/23/13) he took up the container and tried to unzip it but he was not able to because the zipper is too small for him to grip. He brought it ove to me and indicated that he wants me to open it. I did and he went to sit and began playing. When he was finish he began to put then back into th container.It is very important that your infant/toddler is given opportunities to make decisions. This is a skill that is needed for life.
I will add a circle from a key ring to the end of the zipper. This will allow him to unzip the containe when he decides that he wants to play with it. He needs to be able to feel a sense of independence. This will allow him to feel competent and helps begin building the roots of his self-esteem.
I will add a circle from a key ring to the end of the zipper. This will allow him to unzip the containe when he decides that he wants to play with it. He needs to be able to feel a sense of independence. This will allow him to feel competent and helps begin building the roots of his self-esteem.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Gift of a good start
My mother and I meet with a variety of organizations that service families. Many of the organizations understand what we are promoting, the need to invest in our infants and toddlers. However, when we suggest a collaboration, the conversation changes they start to stutter because they are not sure if it will compete with the service they provide even though what we share with parents is, "the Gift of a Good Start" in the words of Collin Powell.
Below is a link to a video of a talk given by Collin Powell. He mentiones exactly what we've been promoting how it's important to help your child go through the different stages before they start school. The education begins the moment the baby is born. I look forward to reading your comments about the video.
Below is a link to a video of a talk given by Collin Powell. He mentiones exactly what we've been promoting how it's important to help your child go through the different stages before they start school. The education begins the moment the baby is born. I look forward to reading your comments about the video.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Capturing moments
As your infant develops and begins to do unusal things that your friends or relatives won't believe, you should video tape your baby.... Capturing those moments are really for you and your baby. When your child gets older you both can look back on those moments, you can use that time as another form of a bonding activity.
Videotaping those moments also allows you and your family to see that an infant/toddlers brain is working and problem solving even though they can not articulate their needs.
Every opportunity +Daseta Gray, my mother and I get we capturing moments of my son.
What moments have you captured of your infant or toddler?
Videotaping those moments also allows you and your family to see that an infant/toddlers brain is working and problem solving even though they can not articulate their needs.
Every opportunity +Daseta Gray, my mother and I get we capturing moments of my son.
What moments have you captured of your infant or toddler?
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Language is very important as do literacy
You should have a variety of board books for your baby in a bin on the floor where your baby has access to them.You are helping your baby to make decision if your baby feel like reading she should be able to get a book.The books that you read to the baby may have soft covers thoses would want to keep out of the babies reach.
You need to have books that makes noise,books that your baby will be able to feel, picture books, alphabet books etc.
The print should be large and the colors attricitve.
You should have a variety of board books for your baby in a bin on the floor where your baby has access to them.You are helping your baby to make decision if your baby feel like reading she should be able to get a book.The books that you read to the baby may have soft covers thoses would want to keep out of the babies reach.
You need to have books that makes noise,books that your baby will be able to feel, picture books, alphabet books etc.
The print should be large and the colors attricitve.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Music is very helpful durnig the infant/toddler years. You can use music for many different skills. You should play a variety of music for your infant/toddler. You should play teaching music where your baby will learn to listen and follow instrucions.for example songs that encourage your baby to clap.You should also sing clapping songs with your baby. Patty cake is a fun one.My grand son is now able to roll his hands when we sing that song.
These skills are critical when your infant/toddler gets to school.
These skills are critical when your infant/toddler gets to school.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Cognitive development w/ice
Yesterday my grandson was eating a piece of ice. It slipped from his hand and dropped on the floor. He tried to pick it up but was not able to because it kept sliding out of his hand (he tried several times). He then bent over and used his mouth the pick up the ice.
Your baby is 15months and she is touching every thing and climbing on everything. Whenever you remove her from an area she begins to cry or if you take an item away that she is not suppose to have. Your baby does not understand danger . You do not need to get upset just explain in a calm voice that she cant have that becuse it is not safe. Allow her to cry because it is a learning process and she will eventually understand. Because she is not yet talking she is not able to express her self in words.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Potty training
As I mentioned my daughter bought her son a potty. The baby sitter also has one. On Monday before his bath he was allowed to sit on his potty with out his bamper. There is a handle on it and he pressed it. That was his first time sitting on it without his pamper.He thought that is was funny he was giggling.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Cognitive Development
You should introduce you 15 month old to Leggos. However you should do it gradual. You need to purchase the toddler size . Give your infant about four pieces of the single unit and one piece that she can put them on.Just give them to her and observe her. Do not rush to demonstrate allow your infant/toddler to use her thinking skills.
Have her practice with that until she is able to put each piece on.You do not want to frustrate your infant/toddler . You need to give activities that your baby can accomplish because you are building self-esteem.When your baby get one piece of leggo on you should celebrate by clapping and saying wow you did a good job.You are planting the roots for self-esteem and self-confidence.
Have her practice with that until she is able to put each piece on.You do not want to frustrate your infant/toddler . You need to give activities that your baby can accomplish because you are building self-esteem.When your baby get one piece of leggo on you should celebrate by clapping and saying wow you did a good job.You are planting the roots for self-esteem and self-confidence.
Monday, January 21, 2013
Independence builds self-esteem
Now that your baby is 15 months when you are undressing him he will help by trying to take off his shirt over his head. Allow him to just help him. I understant that many parents are usually in a rush but you aen not helping your child by rushing. I suggest that you begin getting ready early this way you will have a few minutes to help you infant/toddler with thier developmental skills.Development is a process and your baby needs to go through them as he is building skills.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Cognitive Development
You should have a safe space that allows your baby to freely explore. Provide you baby with new items and watch her explore it and tries to figure out how it works. Yesterday I gave my grandson an emply paint container with a flip top and a small paint brush. I observed him. It is amazing how his thinking was going. He discoverd that the top flips back and fourth,he was feeling the texture of the brush, them he tried putting the brush in the container through the hole that.She is learning how to sit and focus on a task. These skills are need for school/life.You can provide an empty box and observe your baby.Babies must be give the opportunity to problem solve.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Physical development
Gross motor skills is very important for infants and toddlers. No that you baby begins to walk have her walk up and down the stairs. If you live in a building when you get to the steps take the baby out of the stroller and allow her to walk up the steps. Being able to walk up and down stairs is a skill that young children need.Also provide things at hme for them to pull and a small bucket that they can put things in and dump them out.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Independence builds self-esteem
Today my fifteen month old grandson drank from a small cup all by himself. For the past fer weeks we have been giving him one ounce of liquid in a two ounce cup and allowing him to try feeding himself. Usually he spills it before it gets to his mouth. He has been practicing and today he fed himself one ounce of liquid without spilling it or turning the cup up to his head and having everything spill.
Today my fifteen month old grandson drank from a small cup all by himself. For the past fer weeks we have been giving him one ounce of liquid in a two ounce cup and allowing him to try feeding himself. Usually he spills it before it gets to his mouth. He has been practicing and today he fed himself one ounce of liquid without spilling it or turning the cup up to his head and having everything spill.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
You are your child's mirror
Yesterday I was walking and observed a care giver cursing at her young child.We need to remind our selves that our children see the world through us. The way that we treat them will communicate to them that is how they should treat people because that is how the world works. Socialization begins at home. Thee home is the first teacher.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Age appropriate activities
One of the things that you must remember :
Development is a process and you cannot expect a 2 year old to do what a four year old can do. For example a a two year old child cannot use a scissors to cut because her fingers are not strong enough to manipulate the scissors. Young children need to tear paper and squeeze small glue bottles to develop their finger muscles.Play dough is also good and toys that they can manipulate.
When you set expectations that is not age appropriate it only frustrate infants/toddlers and turn them off from learning. The idea is to build self esteem during the infant/toddler years.
Development is a process and you cannot expect a 2 year old to do what a four year old can do. For example a a two year old child cannot use a scissors to cut because her fingers are not strong enough to manipulate the scissors. Young children need to tear paper and squeeze small glue bottles to develop their finger muscles.Play dough is also good and toys that they can manipulate.
When you set expectations that is not age appropriate it only frustrate infants/toddlers and turn them off from learning. The idea is to build self esteem during the infant/toddler years.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Eye hand coordination is a very important skill that young children need when they get to pre-school . Of course they need to get those experiences before they get there. Your baby is now 15months during bath time give her a small cup to play with . Observer and you will see her full the cup with water and pour it out. Each time that you give her a bath add a small container for her to practice pouring. When your infant/toddler gets to pre-school she will be given the opportunity to pour juice from a small container to her cup. Many young children struggle with this skill because they were not given prior experience. Once your baby has a lot of practice with pouring from one container you can add another container and have her pour from one container to the next.
Play is very important
Play is very important. It allows your baby to laugh which keeps your baby happy and pleasant.
infants/toddlers love to play the chasing game and peek-a-boo. You should play these game and watch your infant/toddler giggle .Babies love when you tell them secrets. When you whisper in their ear they love it.These play sessions with you prepares your baby to enjoy playing with children when they get to school.Play brings out laughter and the sense of being loved .Some infants/toddler enjoy tickling ,some love being tosses up in the air.
Remember to find other games that make your baby laugh and make laughter a part of your infant/toddler day.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Fine motor skills
0-18 months
Your baby should have had enough experiences with books . Now she should be able to turn the pages one at a time most of the time. These would be board books.You should have been doing activities with your baby the involves finger movements like putting tops on bottles,putting objects in containers and dumping them out.
18-36 months
You should have puzzles for your baby to play with start with three piece puzzles with the big knobs.
Your baby should have had enough experiences with books . Now she should be able to turn the pages one at a time most of the time. These would be board books.You should have been doing activities with your baby the involves finger movements like putting tops on bottles,putting objects in containers and dumping them out.
18-36 months
You should have puzzles for your baby to play with start with three piece puzzles with the big knobs.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Potty training
The potty is now in the bathroom for two weeks the baby has been playing/exploring it. It is now three weeks you should introduce the idea of sitting on the potty with his clothes on. Just introduce the idea once and have her sit on it. She will always follow you to the bathroom. As times goes on she/he will sit on the potty when you are using the potty also.My grand son has been sitting on his potty and he plays with the handle because it makes noise(plays music). Every developmental stage is a process and it takes time. We should introduce infants/toddlers to it early. This way they are not being rushed they usually guide you as to when they are ready to move along.All of this is a part of brain development infants are born ready to learn,however they must be given the experiences that will allow them to connect the wires.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Potty training
Now that your baby is fifteen months you should purchase a potty for her/him. When you bring it home unwrap it and just leave it where the baby can play with it . I would say give a week just for her to explore it. After a week you should put it in the bathroom. When you go to the bathroom usually the baby wants to follow you. When she comes in allow her to play with the potty.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Brain development
0-3 years
Brain development is most rapid during these years. Your baby is wired for learning however she must be given the experiences in order for learning to take place.You should give your baby space to grow.When you get a chance take a look at this article: The Science of the Developing Child -www.developingchild.net
Here you will get some ideas about the importance of facilitating brain development.
We all should understand brain development.
Brain development is most rapid during these years. Your baby is wired for learning however she must be given the experiences in order for learning to take place.You should give your baby space to grow.When you get a chance take a look at this article: The Science of the Developing Child -www.developingchild.net
Here you will get some ideas about the importance of facilitating brain development.
We all should understand brain development.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Happy New year
If your baby is in daycare or at a baby sitter you should find out what your baby is working on and continue to work on that skill at home. Babies learn from repetition and consistency . You and the care taker must have a good relationship this will enable both of you to develop an emotionally healthy baby.
If your baby is in daycare or at a baby sitter you should find out what your baby is working on and continue to work on that skill at home. Babies learn from repetition and consistency . You and the care taker must have a good relationship this will enable both of you to develop an emotionally healthy baby.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Baby and Wee Sessions
I've decided to take the workshops I usually do for early childhood educators and parents and create baby and wee sessions.
These sessions are for first time parents, nannies, daddies and grandparents are welcome to attend.
We will do art, music, cooking, language development, story time and more. This will also serve as a parent support group.
The first session will be on Friday, February 1 10am - 11am.
Location: 95 St. Nicholas Ave corner of 115th Street 1st floor.
Cost: $25 per session
Most of what I've been sharing with you will come to life and you can do activities at home with your infant or toddler.
Registration is required. you may email me at dasetagray@gmail.com
These sessions are for first time parents, nannies, daddies and grandparents are welcome to attend.
We will do art, music, cooking, language development, story time and more. This will also serve as a parent support group.
The first session will be on Friday, February 1 10am - 11am.
Location: 95 St. Nicholas Ave corner of 115th Street 1st floor.
Cost: $25 per session
Most of what I've been sharing with you will come to life and you can do activities at home with your infant or toddler.
Registration is required. you may email me at dasetagray@gmail.com
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Fear of the dark
Infants are not born with fears the adults teaches it to the infants.You do not want your infant/toddler to be screaming when you put the lights out. Once you get home from the hospital you should practice being in the dark with your infant sometimes. This will allow your infant to get accustom to being in the dark. We did this with my grandson . He is now 15 months and is fine when the lights are out in fact he walks around in the dark with no problem.
Infants are not born with fears the adults teaches it to the infants.You do not want your infant/toddler to be screaming when you put the lights out. Once you get home from the hospital you should practice being in the dark with your infant sometimes. This will allow your infant to get accustom to being in the dark. We did this with my grandson . He is now 15 months and is fine when the lights are out in fact he walks around in the dark with no problem.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Curiosity and interest
0-18 mos
If your child is reluctant to touch an object you should provide support by touching the object first. This will allow the child to get over his fear. It is good to put the child's hand on top of yours, you may say let's do it together and let's be gentle. Your infant will react based on your reaction.It is best to be calm as you are the child's mirror to the world.If you are excited your infant will have the same reaction.
If your child is reluctant to touch an object you should provide support by touching the object first. This will allow the child to get over his fear. It is good to put the child's hand on top of yours, you may say let's do it together and let's be gentle. Your infant will react based on your reaction.It is best to be calm as you are the child's mirror to the world.If you are excited your infant will have the same reaction.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Approaches to learing
Curiosity and interest
Many times when infants/toddlers want to explore they are told "you are too noisy". Your infant is a natural scientist and loves to investigate and explore . You should allow your infant to develop his desire of wanting to learn new things. Also allow him to take on new task for example, if you are mopping he wants to mop also.You should purchase a small mop for the infant and a small broom. This will allow your child to begin the process of pretend play.These skills are needed for school and life.
Many times when infants/toddlers want to explore they are told "you are too noisy". Your infant is a natural scientist and loves to investigate and explore . You should allow your infant to develop his desire of wanting to learn new things. Also allow him to take on new task for example, if you are mopping he wants to mop also.You should purchase a small mop for the infant and a small broom. This will allow your child to begin the process of pretend play.These skills are needed for school and life.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
When you are out
The other day I was on the train and this mother had an infant and the infant was restless. The mom was frustrated trying to keep the infant calm. Whenever you are going out please take a toy and a few books for your infant. You can tie her favorite toy on to the stroller use a short string. Infants love to throw items with a short string it will not get on the floor.You should buy a plastic or a cloth book that you will also tie to the stroller. If your infant/toddler is going to love reading books must be a part of her daily activities.If you are at the doctor's office your infant/toddler will have his favorite book/toy to keep him occupied.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Listening Skills
Listening skills are very important for your infant/toddler to have when they enter school. You should read to your baby each day. Provide a bin of board books for your baby leave it on the floor this way she will have access to them. Your baby will begin making decisions by reading when she wants to.
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