

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Subtraction- during the infant /toddler years

You can introduce the word take away(minus) to you toddler . Just remove one of the object and then you will both count how many are there now . You can make it into a game  by letting one disappear . You can also introduce  the  vocabulary  add (addition ). These are all games that you and your toddler can play . Use things that your toddler has been playing with every day. You will observe that your toddler will in co-operate these vocabulary into his play .
Once the brain has an experience it does not forget it . That is why positive experiences are critical for healthy brain development. Your infant/toddler brain is new therefore you need to allow time for her to learn  vocabulary and objects that corresponds and concepts. The brain grows mos rapid during 0-3 years and age appropriate experiences must be provided.

 I am sure that you will think of some creative ways to use what you already have.

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